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George Washington (George Washington)

( first U.S. president)

Comments for George Washington (George Washington)
Biography George Washington (George Washington)
1732 - 1799
George Washington was born Feb. 22, 1732 in the family, the fourth generation which lived in Virginia. With 11 years of age was brought up by his half-brother Lawrence, . after whose death he inherited in 1752 the Mount Vernon estate near Alexandria on the river Potomak.V his neighbor Lord Feafekse, . who belonged to the most wealthy landowners of Virginia, . Washington has found an influential mentor,
. Feafeks introduced him to the lifestyle gentry and supported the first steps towards a career public officer and surveyor.
Washington seemed to have been created for a career officer, as the already unusual growth and physical strength is emphasized given the nature of authority. The rank of colonel of the Virginia militia, he was involved in 1754-55 he. the territory of today's Pittsburgh in the first fighting the French and Indian War. Although it was rather the outcome of battles with the infamous, the "baptism of fire" established his reputation as a military leader.
Immediately after his release from military service to Washington in January 1759 he married Martha Dendridzh Kastis, widow and mother of two children, who had a considerable fortune, as well as 150 slaves. Washington intensively engaged in farming and experimenting with new methods of cultivation. He smashed his land for a few plantations, tobacco gradually replaced by wheat and strove for a broad self-sufficiency. He did not have their children, and he assumed the role of the father in the upbringing of her son and daughter Martha from her first marriage.
Washington knew the British imperial policy after 1763 as an attack aimed at the "old right" persons, which, if she did not resist strongly, leading to complete elimination of the colonial government. Based on such a fundamental point of view, Washington categorically rejected the British tax laws and claims of sovereignty. In Virginia, the Parliament and in the first Continental Congress in Philadelphia in September 1774 he was an early proponent of armed resistance to British.
After the battles at Lexington and Concord in April 1775, Washington was unanimously elected the Second Continental Congress, commander of all U.S. armed forces. Before 1778, . when the alliance with France significantly strengthened the position of the rebels, . Washington's main achievement was, . that he managed to keep its soldiers and escaped a crushing defeat in the struggle against the better-trained and professionally led the British Army,
Through well-coordinated action with the French army and navy, Washington has made 19 October 1781 the surrender of the army of General Cornwallis. He thus opened the way for negotiations, which two years later led to the formal conclusion of peace and to the international legal recognition of American Independence.
In 1789 Washington was elected the first president of the USA. April 30, 1789 the first President of the United States was inaugurated in Manhattan.
During his presidency, Washington has created the basis for the existence of a federal republican state. During this period, a great "Bill of Rights" and many other laws that became the foundation for the modern United States. Washington stayed on as U.S. President for two terms - from 1789 to 1797.
Washington died on Dec. 14, 1799 at the age of 67 years from an acute inflammation of the larynx, which was then at the level of medicine was not effective means. At one of the many mourning ceremonies held throughout the United States, his friend Henry Lee praised him as "first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen".

WWC TEAM by Satya George Washington, the Creator of the American Institute of Presidents

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