Hannibal( grandfather of our famous poet, AS Pushkin)
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Biography Hannibal
Delivered to Peter I of Constantinople, where he was kept in Amanat Seraglio. Baptized in Vilna in 1707 (godfather was - the emperor and the Polish queen, wife of August) and named Peter, but before his death, was called by Abraham (Ibrahim), not wanting to wear a new name. Prior to 1716 A. was inseparable with the Emperor, then was sent to Paris to study military affairs, entered the French service, and fought in the Spanish Civil War. Touched by the love of the emperor, returned to St. Petersburg and was awarded a captain-lieutenant in the company bombardirskuyu Transfiguration Regiment. The death of Peter I A. Menshikov was sent to serve in Siberia, whence he returned without permission, but was secretly living in the village of Revel voshestviya to the throne of Elizabeth, when he was awarded the villages and the rank of Commander in Chief. When Peter III resigned and died in 1781, a 93-th year of his life.