BELYAEV Yury Dmitrievich( talented journalist and playwright)
Comments for BELYAEV Yury Dmitrievich
Biography BELYAEV Yury Dmitrievich
Born in 1876, studied at the gymnasium Larin. Began to write in "Picturesque Review" (red. Scheller). In "Russia" (red. Amfiteatrov) in charge of the theater department, then became a permanent employee of New Times. He wrote articles about the theater, art exhibitions, small satires, parodies and cartoons under the pseudonym Vicomte d'Apolinaris "and" Vaudeville ". Critical articles Belyaeva collected in the books "Actors and play" (St. Petersburg, 1902) and "Melpomene" (ib., 1905). Published two essays: "VF. Komissarzhevskaya and L.B. Yavorskaya ". In 1905, Mr.. undertook a trip to the Volga and the Volga, which resulted in satires, collected after in the book "In a kingdom". Since 1908. began writing for the theater. The great success of his plays were: "Confusion, or 1840", "Red Tavern", "Old Peterhof" and especially "psyche" (1911 - 12).