Vinogradov Mikhail Aleksandrovich( Spiritual composer)
Comments for Vinogradov Mikhail Aleksandrovich
Biography Vinogradov Mikhail Aleksandrovich
(1810 - 1888). In his writings reflected compositional style Turchaninova and especially Lviv. Like Lviv, Vinogradov brings the harmonic effects on the background of which has already drawn melody. However, the melodic side of his work is well developed and self. As Lviv, Vinogradov cared for according to the text, music, musical rhythm is determined by word meter; words of the text is not repeated and pronounced singers at the same time, voice-and harmonization of simple and expressive. Vinogradov wrote 37 spiritually-musical works, including 11 transpositions. Between separate his works issued: cherubic d-dur and d-moll, . "The Mercy of Peace" (very loudly and beautifully), . "Champion Leader", . "Praise the name of the Lord", . "Now the Powers", . involved: "Rejoice, . righteous, . "In all the earth", . "In Memory eternal", . "Banner on us", . "Yavisya Grace", . "Doeth Angels, . "Blessed are elected ordeal", . "Flesh of Christ", . Works published Vinogradova court chapel and firms Jurgenson and Gutheyl. S. Rybakov.