Vyazemskij Athanasius( oprichnik favorite and Ivan the Terrible)
Comments for Vyazemskij Athanasius
Biography Vyazemskij Athanasius
after the fall of Adasheva and Sylvester used the unlimited confidence of his sovereign, who from his hands just take the medicine prepared by the king's doctor Lenseem, and with him only consulted about their secret plans. In 1565, Mr.. Vyazemskij was one of the main advisers of Grozny on the organization oprichnina, then, . Terrible even think of where to draw the Alexander Palace in the suburb in the monastery, . electing to do so from the guardsmen 300 people and calling them "brothers", . and a "Abbot", . Vyazemskij was named Kelarev ", . During the bloody orgies of Grozny Vyazemsky, together with Malyutov Skuratov, led amok guardsmen. But Vyazemskij not escaped the common fate of pets Terrible. In 1570, . after the defeat of the Novgorod, . He, along with Theodore Basmanov and many nobles and clerks was accused, . that negotiations with the Archbishop of Novgorod Pimen, . plotting to betray Novgorod and Pskov Lithuania, . King John is known, . and on the state to put Prince Vladimir Andreevich, . Prosecutor Viazemsky was much good they Boyarsky Lovchikov son Theodore, who denounced the prince that he was forewarned of Novgorod on the wrath of the king. Vyazemskij died during torture.