Dobroklonsky Vladimir Pavlovich( former professor at a private pathology and therapy at the University of Warsaw)
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Biography Dobroklonsky Vladimir Pavlovich
Initial education in the Moscow Theological Seminary, in 1875. transferred to the Naval College in 1878. transferred to the Medical Academy, where he graduated in 1883. Left in the academy, he was in 1886. received a medical degree (dissertation on the physiological and therapeutic effects extracti fluidi Grindeliae robustae on the heart and blood circulation), and thereupon sent abroad at government expense. On his return he had in 1889, Mr.. elected associate professor of military-medical academy on the clinic of internal diseases, and in 1890. - Professor, Warsaw University. At the end of 1891. moved to St. Petersburg, chief doctor of the Alexander City Hospital in memory of 19 February 1861, Mr.. In the dissertation, he wrote a whole series of articles on the physiology, pharmacology, experimental pathology. G. M. G.