Efremov Petr( famous bibliographer)
Comments for Efremov Petr
Biography Efremov Petr
(1830 - 1907), graduated from the Mathematics Department of Moscow University and was head of all the savings banks. Compiled by himself one of the finest libraries in Russia and a rich collection of drawings and portraits, after his death sold out in different hands. Efremov was one of the best experts in Russian literary history of the XVIII - XIX centuries. They were found and published many works and letters of Pushkin, . Lermontov, . Ryleeva, . Radishchev, . Fonvizin, . Zhukovsky, . Batiushkov and others, he edited four editions of works of Lermontov (1873, . 1880, . 1882, . 1887, . 1889.), . multiple editions of Pushkin's works (1880, . 1882, . 1903 - 05), . Two editions of "Eugene Onegin" (1874, . 1882), . Four editions of works of Zhukovsky (1878, . 1885, . 1895, . 1901), . "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov, . Poems Polezhaeva (1889), . "Youthful drama Lermontov (1881), . Seven articles "Belinsky (1889, . with VE, . Yakushkin), Collected Works Fonvizin (1866), Cantemir (1867 - 68), VI. Maikova (1867), VI. Lukin and B. Elchaninova (1868). Efremov reissued magazines NI. Novikov "Painter" (1864) and "Drone" (1865). Since the first article of bibliographic Efremov made in 1857. in the "Contemporary", then his numerous articles and appeared in "Notes of a Bibliography," "Notes of the Fatherland", "Voice", "Bulletin of the Book", "Russian Archive", "Bibliography of Russia", "New Times," Russian Antiquity ". - See. "In memory of Ephraim", published by Russian Bibliographic Society (Moscow, 1908); "last years" 1908, January; Bibliography 1892? 3 and 12, "Source of the literature of Russian writers, SA. Vengerov, II.