KAMENSKY Anatoly Pavlovich( novelist)
Comments for KAMENSKY Anatoly Pavlovich
Biography KAMENSKY Anatoly Pavlovich
Born in 1877 He graduated from the course of the Faculty of Law in St. Petersburg University, while he served in the Ministry of Finance. Since the late 1890's, placed the novels and short stories in "World of God", "Education," various almanacs. They are collected in 3 volumes ( "Stories", St. Petersburg, 1907 - 1910). Moreover, out separately: the novel "The people" (Sankt-Petersburg, 1910), "Frivolous stories" (St. Petersburg, 1910), "The free man. Experience epilogue to some of his works "(Kiev, 1910). Name Kamensky closely linked over the years enhanced the development of Russian fiction "sexual problems" (1906 - 1908). Feverish excitement in 1905, delayed in its natural flow, then went on ways completely unexpected and mostly very sad. We have before us fall madly in high rising waves, Chad goloveshek recent majestic fire, burning buildings ". One of these painful manifestations of withdrawal excitation of the early twentieth century in the direction of least resistance was the period of success "orgasm", Saninstva, "candle ends". Kamensky was then enlisted perturbed level of direct criticism of the "pornography". It's not quite true. Many stories Kamensky are quite aside from the "sexual problems", written quite soberly, for example, "In the country," and others, or stories, which originally raised the question of unification of all the lonely people. Deserves its reputation does the well-known story "Leda", the heroine of which preaches that beautiful women should go naked. But in another, . also a very famous story - "Four" - slippery include only the story: as a young lieutenant in one day "won" four women of various strata of society, . including serious mathematics teacher and a pregnant priest's wife, . But on the subject Kamensky made a serious, and to be not spicy, but a real tragedy. Truthfully noticed in the women's story time complete opacity of consciousness under the pressure of dark instinct and that kind of paralysis of will, and who enjoys unshakable self-confidence of the victor. In further their things Kamensky away from this serious attitude towards the slippery topics, . especially in an unsuccessful novel, "People" is much more desire to live up to the expectations, . which the audience was coming to his works, . than genuine, . though a very wicked and terrible truth "Four", . S. In.