Kaufman Hilarion Ignatievich( The Economist, Professor of St. Petersburg University)
Comments for Kaufman Hilarion Ignatievich
Biography Kaufman Hilarion Ignatievich
graduated from the course at Kharkov University, serving from 1870. Trudy Kaufman devoted to monetary and credit, primarily public. Since his arrival at the service in the Central Statistical Committee, . they have the character of statistical research (published in "Annals" committee, . Series II), . a lot of valuable and well-developed material for the history of our financial management, . Especially important is its "Government Finance Statistics of Russia in 1862 - 1884 years" (St. Petersburg, 1886), which first made public in a systematic form of digital material that can serve to test projects to improve our financial. Other works Kaufman: "The theory of price fluctuations" (Kharkov, . 1867); "By teaching about money and credit" (Issue I, . Kharkiv, . 1868), "Statistics of the Russian banks" (St. Petersburg, . 1872 - 76; here, . incidentally, . is an essay of our old state credit statutes, . preceding state banks), "Theory and practice of banking" (St.-Petersburg, . 1873 - 77; the first volume - Master, . second - doctoral dissertation in the second volume of available translation of "Stories of old credit institutions" Pietro Rota), "Review of projects, . published in 1861 - 78 years on the transformation of the credit of the monetary system of Russia (St. Petersburg, . 1878); "paper-money projects and extraordinary finance" (St. Petersburg, . 1879, . Volume VII of the "Compendium of public knowledge" Bezobrazov), "Credit notes, . their decline and recovery "(Saint-Petersburg, . 1888), "based on calculations by public borrowing, . State, . Urban, . Train, . Mortgage and T, . subsection (Saint-Petersburg, . 1891; this work published in the types of facilitating the successful development of statistics on public borrowing, the author outlines the methods of calculations, . applied to public borrowing, . basing their rules of elementary mathematics and taking as its starting point is not interested in capitalist creditor, . and the debtor's interest, . mainly state); "rate of exchange to Russia for 50 years, . 1841 - 90 "(St. Petersburg, . 1892), . In addition, Kaufman published a series of articles in the Journal of Europe ":" National Debt "(1872,? 9);" Our immediate debts "(1874,? 3);" Reform of the credit money system "(1875,? 3);" Russia's State Debt "(1885, # 1 and 2).