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Aleksei Kozlov

( Philosophy)

Comments for Aleksei Kozlov
Biography Aleksei Kozlov
(1831 - 1900)
He graduated from the course at Moscow University. Initially, he joined the materialist, but he soon acquainted with the works of Comte, and partly resulted in Kozlov's and Kant to positivism, from the standpoint of where he had been indiscriminately "Historical Letters" Mirtova-Lavrov ( "Knowledge", 1871, 3). Then, . under the influence of Schopenhauer and Hartmann (his "philosophy of the unconscious" Kozlov explained under the title: "The essence of the world process", . Moscow, . 1873 - 1876), . as well as more close acquaintance with Kant, . Kozlov shows a marked inclination to metaphysics and, . particularly, . to the philosophy of Schopenhauer's will ( "Vladimir Solovyov, . as a philosopher ", . "Knowledge", . 1875, . 1 - 2),
. In 1876 began a professorship Kozlov at Kiev University, which was put an end to serious illness in 1887. Despite the clear preference for Schopenhauer's philosophy ( "The two main provisions of the philosophy of Schopenhauer", . "Kyiv University Izvestia, . 1877, . 1), . Kozlov feels a certain dissatisfaction with the metaphysics of the will ( "Philosophical Etudes, . Part I, . Petersburg., . 1876) and tries to find a new basis for their worldview in Duhring ( "Philosophy of reality", . Kiev, . 1878),
. Focusing on the philosophy of Plato (Philosophical studies ", . Part II, . Kiev, . 1880), . Kozlov broke with the philosophy of Schopenhauer and appealed to other members of the new philosophy, . beginning with Descartes ( "Genesis Theory, . space and time, Kant ", . Kiev, . 1884),
. Then Kozlov particularly attracted Leibniz, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Herbart and the newest adherents of the philosophy of Leibniz (and especially Lotse Teichmiiller). In the final form of his philosophical outlook, in general terms highly reminiscent of the Teichmuller Kozlov, stated in a periodically leaves the collection "His Word" (? 1 - 3, Kiev, 1888 - 1890;? 4, St. Petersburg., 1892). In 1886, Kozlov began publishing the first Russian philosophical journal "Philosophical trehmesyachnik" composed entirely of articles the editor. His philosophical worldview Kozlov calls panpsihizmom. The core of the concept of it is the concept of being. It is not formed by abstraction, it is the original source of consciousness. Being a simple and direct, this consciousness is on three areas: the content of consciousness, consciousness of form and consciousness of our substance. They provide material for the formation of the concept of being, but most of this concept is a special group consciousness, namely the forms or how the relationship between the elements of the original consciousness. Thus, the concept of being is their content knowledge of our substance, its activity and the content of these activities in their unity and respect for each other. All knowledge is based, ultimately, to the knowledge of "I". We transfer these concepts to other substances. In thinking about being and essence of the real world must completely eliminate the time and did not enter it into our concept of peace. Time, in addition to an act of thought and presentation of the substances does not make sense and will only provide them. Over by the idea of space Kozlov also denies any reality. Education of this idea can not be explained by the association, as this explanation falls into a vicious circle. The progress of the space passes through the stages of the subjective, objective, and geometric space. In this process the main role played by our thinking activity, . so that the basic properties, . conceivable by us in the idea of space, . are really no signs of space, . which by itself has no reality, . and our thinking of, . which builds on the sensations this idea,
. If space and time do not exist by themselves, do not exist in reality, and all located in space and time. There is only a spiritual world, ie. spiritual substance of their activities and relationships, and our bodies and the whole material world are only icons of these spiritual substances, their activities and relationships. Science alone, and the highest, its true form is the philosophy, the existing division of one science for many conditional and based on a private point of view, having in mind the convenience of studying. - See. Askoldov, "Kozlov (Moscow, 1912).

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