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Kudryavtsev Victor D.

( Philosophy)

Comments for Kudryavtsev Victor D.
Biography Kudryavtsev Victor D.
(1828 - 1892). He graduated from the course at the Moscow Theological Academy and served in the same department of the history of philosophy, taught logic and the history of philosophy Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich. In a series of articles he dealt with issues that were the subject of special attention from us during the sixties (of positivism and materialism, on the progress of Darwinism and t. n.). He also managed to explain a significant part of his philosophical system, especially the philosophy of religion and the theory of knowledge. Works Kudryavtseva published Brotherhood of St. Sergius (Sergiev Posad, 1892 - 1894). Philosophy for Kudryavtseva is the science of absolute and of the ideas discussed in relation to the absolute, in their mutual relations and the manifestation of being phenomenal. It should put the soul and life to the study of the facts and enlighten them ideal light. For general scientific method of philosophy is required, representing a compound synthesis and analysis. All, not excluding the skeptics acknowledge the existence of the spiritual world, physical world and the absolutely perfect being, a blend of the fullness of being and knowledge. If you keep these fundamental truth of unity, the truth of the original and fundamental, then the truth should be recognized with such a being exists an absolute. The idea being vsesovershennogo napechatlena in us by the object of this idea. The spiritual and material aspects of being so closely connected that it is impossible to assume that the basis of being the world there were two opposites. Until now looking for a unifying principle in the very being of the world, in any of the parties to it - the spiritual (idealism) or material (materialism), but always had to sacrifice one party being in favor of another. One could assume such a unifying outside world. Thus, . instead of substance monism, . underlying materialism and idealism, . obtained transcendental monism, . in which the unifying rises above the area being conditioned, . and the dualism of matter and spirit gets subordinate,
. Our knowledge is not a subjective product of our creativity, but the expression of our spirit of nature itself, its various properties and the parties. Therefore be the realm of ideas that focus, both in its center and source, which is essentially perfect. For the perception of the impact of this ideal world requires a special body. While explaining the composition and origin of both the substance and the various organic beings must be recognized on a system-independent educational forces, these forces must be reduced to the control of a higher, divine power. Thus, the system Kudryavtseva idea of God is key in dealing with both epistemological and cosmological questions. In his writings, as well as in academic teaching, Kudryavtsev differed rational clarity of thought and freedom of opinion and exceptional unilateral. To justify the theistic worldview, he was satisfied with criticizing certain philosophies, without compromising the basic data of the human consciousness a new, independent review. - See. Article Alexei Vvedensky, presupposed the first volume of essays Kudryavtseva and published separately: "The nature, composition and value of philosophy Kudryavtseva (Sergiev Posad, 1893). Detailed biographical information: I.N. Korsun, in the same first volume. More extensive bibliographical guidance from I. Kolubovskogo, in Problems of Philosophy and Psychology "(1890, Book 4), and" Philosophical Yearbook for 1893. YA. Kolubovsky.

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Kudryavtsev Victor D., photo, biography
Kudryavtsev Victor D., photo, biography Kudryavtsev Victor D.  Philosophy, photo, biography
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