Lisowski Nikolai Mikhailovich( The well-known bibliographer)
Comments for Lisowski Nikolai Mikhailovich
Biography Lisowski Nikolai Mikhailovich
Born in 1854, studied at the Forest Institute. A member of the War Department in the Moscow Military District Council. In 1881 - 1882 years edited the journal "Russian Bibliography", in 1884 - 1894 he was the publisher and editor of "Bibliography". Participated in the "Commission on the welfare of workers of the military departments", in connection with this they made up: "Report on a trip in the summer of 1903. factories "," Materials for the pointer of the literature on the labor question "(St. Petersburg, 1905) and the book" Working in the military "(St. Petersburg, 1906). Very valuable contribution to Russian bibliography is extensive work Lisowski: "The Russian Revolutionary Movement 1703 - 1900 years" (Petrograd, . 1915; a complete bibliography of newspapers and magazines and graphic tables, available in another publication: "Bibliography of Russian periodicals), . The compiled Lisowski valuable charts for journalism were in 1895. to "Exhibition of Typography" (in a more developed form - at the Leipzig Exhibition 1914). Since 1913. Lisowski, as a privat-docent, reading in Petrograd University first introduced a systematic course bibliology. Staff 86-volume Brockhaus - Ephron and present, which placed the article: "The Book", "book studies", "Book Trade", etc.. - Wed. п?.п?. Lovyagin, NM. Lisowski (St. Petersburg, 1903); LN. Pavlenkov, NM. Lisowski (St. Petersburg, 1903), "Reports and records Bibliologicheskogo Russian society" (Issue II, St. Petersburg., 1913). A. AP