Fernando Collor de Mello( President of Brazil in 1990-92.)
Comments for Fernando Collor de Mello
Biography Fernando Collor de Mello
born August 12, 1949 in Rio de Janeiro. In 1979 he became mayor of the city of Maceio, the administrative center of the state of Alagoas, and stayed in this position for 3 years, when in 1982. was elected to the Chamber of Deputies from the same state. From 1987 to 1989, Fernando was governor of Alagoas - a position which his father was twenty years ago (1951-56 gg.). . In each case, he was a candidate from the right-wing conservative Social Democratic Party, which was formed in 1979 by former party ARENA (pro-government party, formed by the military regime in 1964). . Collor received nationwide prominence as governor for his investigation of "Maharaja", . elite civil servants, . receiving exorbitant salaries; Collor sharply curtailed his allowance and provided the right to accrue earnings "Maharajah" regulatory authorities., . Less than two months after the appointment of Collor presidential candidate of the small National Reconstruction Party, . formed only at the end of March 1989, . shortly before the election, . He became a leading candidate for the highest position among the dozen or so mostly the better-known competitors, . Collor was elected president in the second round on Dec. 17, 1989, while in the first (in mid-November), no candidate obtains an absolute majority . March 15, 1990 Fernando Collor de Mello, took up his new post as the youngest president in the history of the country . With the full confidence of the population and government officials, he introduced a radical plan to reduce inflation, but the economic situation in Brazil has remained difficult. . In July 1992 the largest outbreak in the history of Brazil's political crisis caused by the revelations involvement Fernando Collor of corruption in the upper echelons of power and abuse of power for personal . September 29, 1992 Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress of Brazil has decided to recommend to the Senate to open the process of "impeachment" against the president in connection with the charges against him of malfeasance. . After 2 months, 12 December, Collor resigned, and President of the country became vice-president and . Frank