Orlov, Ivan Ivanovich( Historian)
Comments for Orlov, Ivan Ivanovich
Biography Orlov, Ivan Ivanovich
(1869 - 1909). Educated at the Moscow Theological Academy. Has published over 20 books and pamphlets, . the history and geography of the Smolensk region ( "Sights of Smolensk", . "Smolenskaya Wall, . "Historical Sketch of Smolensk", . "The historical description of the Smolensk Mother of God", . "Boris and Gleb Monastery Smyadyni", . "The priest Murzakevich, . accused of treason in 1812 ", . "Smolensk in the history of the Romanov dynasty", . Smolensk campaign Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1654 ", . "A brief geography of the province of Smolensk and others) also wrote a number of stories (" In a modest office ", . "Easter fires", . "Stone-curlew", . "In Smolensk, . on Smyadyni "and others), . In 1905 - 1906 he was the main contributor to the Smolensk Newspapers - the local branch of the party organ "Freedom and order", adjacent to the Octobrists. - See. obituary Orlovsky in "Historical Messenger (1909, September); A. Zhirkevich "I.I. Orlovsky (Vilna, 1909).