Rocky Kacper( Polish astrologer.)
Comments for Rocky Kacper
Biography Rocky Kacper
(Kacper Goski), Simon of Ginsburg (mind. 1576) -- He studied at Krakow University and then continued his education in Italy. In 1549, Mr.. Padua wrote astrological prognostication for 1551 - 1556 he. Preserved and its forecast for 1563, issued in Wroclaw in Polish. G. gained great fame in Italy as an astrologer. This was largely due to the prediction of the victory of Christendom over the Ottoman Empire in 1571, Mr.. In recognition of the Senate of the Venetian Republic on Oct. 15, 1571, Mr.. agreed: "Since the rocky Kacper, a Pole, a mathematician, a fine intellect husband, inspired by the prophetic spirit, foresaw our victory, decide to Kasper rocky set foot statue of copper ...".