Green GS( English astrologer foreign XIX - XX centuries.)
Comments for Green GS
Biography Green GS
(HSGreen) He collaborated with Alan Leo in the journal "Modern Astrology". G. is the author of "detailed horoscope" (Joint. with A. Leo), "Direction and how to calculate" (rus. Lane. 1912), "Progressive horoscope", "Mundane or National Astrology," Predicting weather using astrometeorology "(1912, rus.per. 1996). In addition to working with conventional methods, . investigated the importance of such prediction methods, . as inverse progression (G., . apparently, . first to introduce them to use), . embolismicheskie and progressive embolismicheskie lunation lunation, . Daily horoscope (transit map at the same time, . that the birth), . His work on mundane astrology is still one of the best aspects of the research value of the slow planets to Earth Events. Benefit G. on meteorological astrology also has not lost its relevance and to this day.