MEDVEDEV Sylvester( Illuminator, theologian, philosopher.)
Comments for MEDVEDEV Sylvester
Biography MEDVEDEV Sylvester
General information In 1664-68 he. studied in the Savior shk. Polotsky. In 1674, Mr.. took monastic. In 1680, Mr.. after the death of Simeon of Polotsk headed mosk. Party scientists 'latynnikov' and became a court poet. In 1680-ies. wrote at least three polemich. treatise against Likhud. Caught in a conspiracy F. Shaklovitova in favor of the princess Sophia, in 1689, Mr.. runs from Moscow, brought before the court, after two years of investigation executed. Philosophical views of M. formed under the influence of West. scholasticism, and especially the ethics of Thomas Aquinas - his concept of virtue and natural. law and, like Simeon of Polotsk, M. was close to an understanding of the Society and the State-va with r. sp. natures. law. . . Teaching Philosophical views Medvedev formed under the influence of western scholasticism, . and especially the ethics of Thomas Aquinas - his concept of virtue and natural law, like Simeon of Polotsk, . Medvedev was close to an understanding of society and the state in terms of natural law, . In a letter, . addressed to 'vsepremudrstvenneyshemu rhetorician' Simeon of Polotsk, . He holds the distinction of the three theological virtues (faith, . Hope, . love) and the four moral (wisdom, . chastity, . truth and courage), despite the obvious logic of, . related to this schematization, . (In Shokhin. in the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. M., 1995. S. 338).
Major works book glagolemaya bread animals book about the manna bread animal.
Works Letters Sylvester Medvedev / / Ancient Texts art. T. 144. SPb., 1901; news true / / Reading in the History and Antiquities of Russian at Moscow University. 1885. Kn. 4. Applications; Presentation noble and great hristolyubivoy Empress ... Sofia Aleksievne privileya at Academy / Monuments of Ancient Russia literature. XVII century. Book 3. M., 1994.
Literature Kozlovsky and. SM: Sketches from the history of Russian. Education and Societies. life in the late. XVII century. Kiev, 1894; Lappo-Danilevsky A.S. Russian History. Societies. thought and culture, XVII-XVIII centuries. M., 1990.