Lev Ilyich Mechnikov( geographer, sociologist, publicist.)
Comments for Lev Ilyich Mechnikov
Biography Lev Ilyich Mechnikov
18/30.5.1838 - 18/30.6.1888
Information brother I.I. Mechnikov. Studied at Kharkov, St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg Medico-Surgical Academy. Participated in the student revolutionary movement, the volunteer 'Thousands' J. Garibaldi, employee 'Bells', adopted in 1 International. He taught at Tokyo University, those leading the Department of Neuchц?tel in the Swiss Academy of Sciences. Participated in the preparation of labor E. Reclus' Land and People. Universal Geography '. T. 1-18 1898 - 1901. He has held the position of geographical determinism. He suggested periods in the history of mankind, highlighting: 'river' period, Mediterranean, oceanic. Promoted the idea of social cooperation. . . Teaching 'problem, . to which I aspire, . can be formulated in the following words: what mysterious force imposes on some people that the yoke of history, . which remains completely unknown to a large number of tribes? What are the natural causes of the unequal distribution of blessings and burdens of civilization? " (Metchnikoff L, . I. Civilization and the great historical rivers. M. 1924.S. 95). 'In my view the causes and nature of the primary institutions and their subsequent evolution must be sought not in the environment, and in the relationships between the environment and the ability of people living in this environment for cooperation and solidarity'. (Ibid.. S. 69). 'Under the threat of imminent death river - the nurse force people to combine their efforts on the overall work, taught solidarity. "(Ibid.. S. 167).
Major works 1 / Civilization and the great historical rivers. Geographical theory of modern society / Lane. P fr. / SPb., 1898; 2 / Geographical theory of historical development of peoples. / / Herald of Europe, 189. T. 2,? 3.
Works Geographical theory of historical peoples / / Herald of Europe. 1889. T. 2. ? 3.
Literature Solovyov VS. From the philosophy of history / Vol.: In 2 m. M., 1989. T. 2; Plekhanov GV: LI Mechnikov (Obituary); The book LI Mechnikov / Op. T. 7. Moscow, Leningrad, 1925; Sociological Thought in Russia. M., 1978. S. 87-97; Kartasheva KS. Roads Lev Mechnikov. Moscow, 1981; Watanabe M. Metchnikoff and Japan / / Japanese Slavic and East European Studies. 1984 / Vol. 5. P. 35-54.