James Gairdner (Gairdner James)( English historian.)
Comments for James Gairdner (Gairdner James)
Biography James Gairdner (Gairdner James)
(1828-1912) Born in Edinburgh on March 22, 1828. In 1846 he joined the State Archives, where he worked until his retirement in 1893. Gairdner's main contribution to science - dating and publication of historical documents, . in particular the publication of collections: Chronicle of the reign of Henry VII (Memorials of King Henry VII, . 1858), . Letters and papers of Richard III and Henry VII (Letters and Papers of Richard III and Henry VII, . 1861-1863), . Inventory of letters and documents of the reign of Henry VIII (Calendar of the Letters and Papers of the Reign of Henry VIII, . 21 vols., . 1862-1910, . with Dzh.Bruerom and R. Brodie), . Gairdner was also the editor of the classic edition of Letters Paston (Paston Letters, 3 vols., 1872-1875). Due to the work history of the Church of England: 1509-1558 (History of the English Church: 1509 to 1558, . 1902) and Lollardy and the Reformation in England (Lollards and the Reformation in England, . 4 vols., . 1908-1913) Gairdner gained a reputation as a historian, . striving for a precise description of events, . Died Gairdner in Pinner (Middlesex) 4 November 1912.