James Dwight Dana (Dana James Dwight)( American geologist, mineralogist and naturalist.)
Comments for James Dwight Dana (Dana James Dwight)
Biography James Dwight Dana (Dana James Dwight)
(1813-1895) Born in Utica (pc. New York) February 12, 1813. At the end of Yale University in 1833 and taught mathematics cadets of the Navy U.S.. Since 1836 - Assistant Professor B. sillimanite at Yale University, in 1838-1842 - Geologist, U.S. Pacific complex expedition led by Charles Wilkes. Of the expedition Dana published three detailed report: Zoofity (Zoophytes, 1846), Geology of the Pacific (Geology of the Pacific Area, 1849); Shellfish (Crustacea, 1852-1854). In 1844 he returned to Yale University from 1849 - Professor of Natural History, in 1864-1890 - professor of geology and mineralogy. In 1892 he retired. Together with Sillimenom was editor (in the 1850-1875 editor in chief) 'of the American scientific journal' ( 'American Journal of Science'). Dan suggested the first chemical classification of minerals in the labor system of mineralogy (System of Mineralogy, 1837). Drew attention to the existence of depressions crust, filled with thick layers of sediments, called them geosynclines . Among his numerous works - Guide to Geology (Manual of Geology, . 1862), Textbook of Geology (Textbook of Geology, . 1864), . Corals and coral island (Corals and Coral Island, . 1872); Characteristics volcanoes (Characteristics of Volcanoes, . 1890), . Dana was a foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. For his scientific achievements marked by many awards.
Dana died in New Haven (pc. Connecticut) April 14, 1895.