Luigi Capuano (Capuana Luigi)( Italian writer and critic.)
Comments for Luigi Capuano (Capuana Luigi)
Biography Luigi Capuano (Capuana Luigi)
(1839-1915) Born May 28, 1839 in Mina, prov. Catania (Sicily). Conducted a very full life: he was a theater critic in the Florentine newspaper 'nationalism' ( 'La Nazione'), . taught in the Rome Teachers' Training College and the University of Catania (1902); interested in politics and served as mayor in his hometown, . finding the time and for many other classes, . Is best known as one of the founders and theorists of literary schools verism, . by well and with knowledge of the material to write a novel Marquis Rokkaverdina (Il Marchese di Roccaverdina, . 1901), . developing tradition of naturalism, . and a number of stories, . Of the critical works Capuano its simple style and sensibility is best convey Essays on Contemporary Literature (Studi sulla letteratura contemporanea, 1879-1882).