Maratti Carlo (Maratti Carlo)( Italian painter, belonging to the Roman school)
Comments for Maratti Carlo (Maratti Carlo)
Biography Maratti Carlo (Maratti Carlo)
(1625-1713) Born in Camerino in the Marche Region, March 13, 1625. As a follower of Andrea Sacchi Maratti was an adherent of the classical tradition in the late Baroque. Painting phenomenon Dame St.. Filippo Neri (1675, Florence, Pitti Gallery) - a work full of generosity of classics, which is achieved in equal measure due to the beauty of the forms of the human body, emotions, restraint, and saturation of color. In the painting Madonna enthroned with St.. Ignatius and St.. Carlo Borromeo (Rome, . Church of Santa Maria in Vallicelli) also many features of Baroque art: the intensity of religious feeling, . highlighted by gestures of the saints, . color richness of their garments, . as well as the compositional scheme, . built on extending deep into the intersecting diagonals, . Deadpan Virgin contrasts with the emotional and pious zeal of the saints. While the undulating contour and living fast brush strokes are signs of baroque painting, sculptural forms of certainty and balance arrangement back to the art of Raphael. For the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli Maratti painted The Baptism of Christ, is the classical symmetry and mobility of the Baroque figures and draperies are accompanied by a clear separation of light and shadow. Maratti may be called the fourth in a series of prominent representatives of the Roman School 17. after Caravaggio, Annibale Carracci and Pietro da Cortona. It works well thought-out plan and thoroughness in the development of composition, proportionality and the nobility of form and beauty of color comparable to the works of Guido Reni, another supporter of classical Baroque. Maratti died in Rome on December 15, 1713.