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SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley (Sheridan Richard Brinsley)

( Anglo-Irish playwright and social activist.)

Comments for SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley (Sheridan Richard Brinsley)
Biography SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley (Sheridan Richard Brinsley)
Born October 30, 1751 in Dublin. His father, Thomas Sheridan - The famous actor and theatrical figure, a teacher of rhetoric and his mother, Frances Sheridan, the daughter of a priest in Dublin, - author of popular novels and plays. Receiving education at home, at 1762-1769 Sheridan attended Harrow and before moving the family in 1770 in Bath worked with his father in London, learning the foundations of rhetoric. In Bata met a lovely sixteen-singer Elizabeth Ann Linley, and in 1772 fled with her to France. Anne's father returned the fugitives, and parted them, but in 1773, graduating classes in Uoltemskom Abbey, Sheridan managed to have their wedding with Linley in France was officially recognized.
The first piece Rivals Sheridan (The Rivals) was staged in Covent Garden on Jan. 17, 1775, and after processing was a resounding success. The play sparkles with wit, humor, innocent jokes are constructed in her ups and downs of love, disguises and confusion. In the same year held the premiere of his farce maloprimechatelnogo Day St.. Patrick, or enterprising Lieutenant (St. Patrick's Day, or The Scheming Lieutenant) and the comic opera Duenna (The Duenna), which in the first season, withstood 75 views.

When, in 1776 D. Garrick left the theater 'Drury Lane', Sheridan and his father-in Linley another bought his share and is 25 years old Sheridan became manager of the theater, maintaining this position, despite the many setbacks and miscalculations, almost to the end of life. In 1777, his trip to Scarborough (Trip to Scarborough), conversion of an incorrigible D. Vanbru, brought him money and fame, even more fabulous success multiplied School for Scandal (The School for Scandal), set in the same season. This is the best comedy of manners 18. and one of the vertices comedy. Two storylines comedy borrowed from his earlier pieces that have never been staged - slanderers (The Slanderers) and cursed (The Teazles); comedy makes fun of gossip, hypocrisy, and the pernicious influence of secular lifestyle. Burlesque comedy Sheridan Critic, . or rehearsal of the tragedy (The Critic, . or A Tragedy Rehearsed, . 1779), . built on the proven scheme Rehearsals Dzh.Bekingema, . continues to have begun in the early plays of the attack on sentimentalism and others during the time,
. Other works of drama Sheridan include processing plays Spaniards in Peru, German author AF AF Kotzebue named Pizarro (Pizarro, . 1799) and several scenes of strangers (The Stranger, . 1798) - play by Kotzebue hatred towards people and remorse (Menschenhass und Reue) on customizing B. Thompson,

Sheridan's sudden departure from the theater, despite all the triumphs, broke out due to his interest in politics. From 1780 to 1812 he was a member of parliament from various constituencies, . supporting the leader of the radical wing of the Whig Ch.Dzh.Foksa; held various positions during this period, . In 1806 he was appointed treasurer of the Navy and a member of the Privy Council,
. His fame reached its climax in the speaker's two famous speeches of convictions (1787 and 1794), demanding the resignation of Hastings, the Governor of Bengal.

The last years of his life unhappily Sheridan proceeded. His wife died in 1792, the second marriage was a failure. Son tuberculosis. In 1809 the theater burned down. In 1812 the Whig Party lost power, and the following year he was imprisoned for debt. Sheridan died in London on 7 July 1816.

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  • devana for SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley (Sheridan Richard Brinsley)
  • I need information about play by Richard Brinsly colled "The Shool for Scandal"
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    SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley (Sheridan Richard Brinsley), photo, biography
    SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley (Sheridan Richard Brinsley), photo, biography SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley (Sheridan Richard Brinsley)  Anglo-Irish playwright and social activist., photo, biography
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