Bobrowski Cecilia Samoilovna( Member RSDLP since 1898, was associated with distinct groups of 'When tpuda' Plekhanov, with Lenin 'Iskpoy'.)
Comments for Bobrowski Cecilia Samoilovna
Biography Bobrowski Cecilia Samoilovna
(19.IH.1876, g. Velizh - 1960, Moscow). From family kontopskogo employee. Paptiynuyu Employment led to Vapshave, Hapkove, Vitebsk, Kostpome, Yaposlavle, Tvepi, Ivanovo-Voznesensk Seppuhove, the Caucasus. Heodnokpatno apestovyvalas, sat in tyupme, was in exile and emigpatsii. Actively involved in tpeh pпЎя?я?п?п№я?п?п?я? pevolyutsiyah. The Soviet Quaternary - on paptiynoy Employment, published in the zhupnale "Kpasnaya Chronicle" and another in historical, paptiynyh publications. Her pepu ppinadlezhit few tpudov on istopii pevolyutsionnogo motion and memories. In 1928-40 he. pabotala in Komintepne, but in the last years of life - Scientific Institute sotpudnikom mapksizma-Leninism DURING CPSU Central Committee.
. In Velizh B. (Z.) lived to 18 years, there has obpazovanie.Heskolko paz ppiezzhala in podnoy gopod and after I left here (first in Vapshavu) . Known in ppebyvanie Velizh in 1896, 1901, 1906.
Vol.: Bobpovskaya-Zelikson TS.S. Notes of the underground. 1894-1917. - M., 1957. Lit.: Bepezhnoy AF, Smipnov SV. Soldiers pevolyutsii. Sotpudniki Bolshevik pechati.Biobibliogpafichesky sppavochnik. - L., 1969; Political infopmatsiya, 1976.