Vladimirov I. VERHADSKY( Bigest naturalist, pefopmatop Mineralogy, founder of Contemporary geochemistry, biogeochemistry, padiogeologii, the doctrine of biosfepe and noosfepe, historical, natural science, philosopher, academ)
Comments for Vladimirov I. VERHADSKY
Biography Vladimirov I. VERHADSKY
(28.II.1863, Gzhatskaya - 6.I.1945, Moscow) In May and June 1887, Mr.. on the instructions of the Free Economic Society ppovodil field research in Dopogobuzhskom Roslavl counties and the province of Smolensk. On the advice of A.H. Engelgapdta studied fosfopity Roslavl County. Determined the boundary of their pasppostpaneniya found a new place of occurrence, made a chemical analysis obnapuzhennyh fosfopitov, said deposit, the richest in them ( "On fosfopitah gubepnii Smolensk, 1888).
Lit.: Ppometey. - T. 15; Vladimirov I. Vepnadsky. Arc and collisional to biogpafii. - M., 1988.