KZHIVON Angela Tadeushevna( Hero of the Soviet Union (11.HI.1943 city, posthumously).)
Comments for KZHIVON Angela Tadeushevna
Biography KZHIVON Angela Tadeushevna
(1925, with a farmhouse near. Garden Monastyresskogo Ternopil region - 12.H.1943 city, near the village. Nikolaevka Krasninskoe district of Smolensk region). Since 1939. lived in the USSR. At the beginning of the war was evacuated to Krasnoyarsk region, worked in a factory. In July 1943, Mr.. voluntarily entered into the women's company of submachine 1-st Polish division of. T. Kosciusko. Shooter, Private. K. distinguished in the battles at Smolensk land. During a battle near the village of Nikolaevka Krasninskoe area it protects the car documents divisional headquarters. When the car caught fire after the bombing, she rushed to save the documents and wounded. Perished in a burning car. In Krasnyi Regional Museum booth equipped with materials about her life and heroic deeds.