HORSE Fyodor Savelevich( Russian military architect and builder of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.)
Comments for HORSE Fyodor Savelevich
Biography HORSE Fyodor Savelevich
(years of life are not installed, was born probably in Dorogobuzhskaya district of Smolensk province) In 1585-93 he. supervised the construction of the "White City" in Moscow, in 1596-1602 he. built a fortress wall in Smolensk. By reasoned assumption P.D. Baranovsky, under his leadership, built a monastery in Boldinskiy Dorogobuzhskaya area. For the buildings to. characterized by the use of the latest achievements of military technology and high artistic quality. In Smolensk, a monument F.S. Horse (May 1991, the sculptor About. Komov, architect AK. Anipko).
Lit.: People of Russian science. Essays on prominent figures of science and technology. - T. 2. - S.408-411; Kostochkin VV. Sovereign master Fyodor Kon. - M., 1964.