Leonid CATS( Scientific-local historian, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.)
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Biography Leonid CATS
(8.HI.1928, der. Prudniki Smolensk region - 4.IV.1999 city, Smolensk). During the Nazi occupation, lived in Smolensk. In December 1943, Mr.. volunteer went to the Red Army. He participated in combat on the 1 st Ukrainian Front. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2 nd degree, medals. In January 1945,. Sickness discharged from the army. In Smolensk he graduated seven years, elektrotehnikum. In 1948-52 he. was on active duty. After his discharge from the Armed Forces of the USSR did in 1958. graduated with honors from SGPI. In 1958-59 he. - Lecturer, Department of History of the CPSU, in 1959-65 he. - Researcher Paso, in 1965-68 he. - Post-graduate department of history of the CPSU SGPI, in 1968-73 he. - Senior lecturer in humanities, social and political sciences SGIFK. K. A book 'Smolensk underground', more than 50 scientific papers published in the central and local press, more than 150 articles in the media. With his direct participation, prepared and published collections of documents' guerrilla struggle against the Nazi invaders on the territory of Smolensk '(Smolensk, 1962),' Smolensk region during the Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945 ', written chapters in the book "Essays on the History of the Smolensk Communist Party Organization', etc.. He has made a significant contribution to the military-patriotic education of the population, especially young. They made 4 literary writing memoirs partisans (published).
Vol.: Smolensk underground. - M., 1966, in the rear of Army Group 'center' / / Heroes of the Underground. - No.. 1. -M., 1972; on earth Smolensk / Soviet partisans. - M., 1963; Guerrilla armies / / Smolensk Region, 1992 .- 5, etc.
Lit.: Smirnov and. Our glorious chronicle / / Work Path, 1999, April 14.