Lander Karl Ivanovich( Soviet statesman and party figure.)
Comments for Lander Karl Ivanovich
Biography Lander Karl Ivanovich
(1883 - 1937) Received secondary education, briefly attended lectures at universities. In the period up to October 1917, in addition to anti-government activities, was engaged in journalism and historical research work: started to write "History of Latvia". After the February Revolution, Secretary of the Land Union Western Front. The spring of 1917. - Chairman of the Minsk Council, a member of the North-West Regional Committee RSDLP (b). In October, 1917. - Member, then Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Committee of the Western Front and the Western Region. After the October Revolution - Chairman of ANC Western Region, a member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee. Since May 1918. - People's Commissar for State Control of the RSFSR and in autumn 1919. - "Special plenipotentiary of the Special Section" of the Cheka and at the same time in 1918-19. - Authorized the RCP (B.) and the Central Executive Committee to mobilize and build the work in Minsk and Smolensk Province. ". Being in Smolensk, . formed the Commission on the review of administrative, . military and party institutions, . which revealed many of the illegal actions of authorities, . monitor the implementation of the Party purges, . driving the Party and Soviet workers, . implicated in the abuse of, . evasion of mobilization at the front, . drunkenness, . Later on Chekist, government, party and administrative work. In 1928, Mr.. Stalin suspected of having links with opposition groups, inner-sent to retirement and began a literary, scientific and historical work.