Mashkov Alex Z.( Hero of the Soviet Union (20.H.1943 g.).)
Comments for Mashkov Alex Z.
Biography Mashkov Alex Z.
(genus. 20.VII.1919, der. Kulbakino Yartsevskaya area). In the Red Army from 1939. He graduated from military college (1941), courses "The Shot" (1942). At the front with 1942. He commanded a battery 899 Artillery Regiment, 337 th Infantry Division 40 th Army. Distinguished as they crossed the Dnieper. 29.IH.1943 g. among the first to overcome the river in an area with. Buchak Cherkassy region, the fire of batteries contributed to the retention of a base and cover crossing. After the war he continued service in the army. He graduated from the Military Academy. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (1951). Since 1981, Mr.. Colonel M. - In stock. Lives in Moscow. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, World War 1-st degree, 2 orders of Red Star, the Order of Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces' 3rd degree, medals