Timofei Mikhailov( Member assassination of Alexander II (1.III.1881), the death of the emperor.)
Comments for Timofei Mikhailov
Biography Timofei Mikhailov
(22.I.1859, der. Gavrilkovo Ivanovo parish Sychevskii district of Smolensk province - 3.IV.1881, Petersburg, executed) From peasant seasonal (father from a young age was a worker in the capital). Up to 15 years lived in the village, "brought about plows and harrows, ibid, at home, learned to read. Since 1874. - In St. Petersburg, first a laborer in a motor factory, then - a boiler-maker in the mechanical and foundries. In 1877-78. acquainted with the Populists, visiting clubs to distribute illegal revolutionary publications. Acquainted with the leaders of the People's Will "A.. Zhelyabovs and SL. Perovskoy, entered the battle group. Took part in plotting the assassination of the king.
Ha court M. declared their affiliation to the social-revolutionary party, was sentenced to death.
Lit.: Process 1 March 1881, Mr.. - SPb., 1906; Lewandowski A. Timofei Mikhailov. - M., 1930, Materials for the Study of Smolensk region. - Issue. 8. - M., 1970; Budaev DI. Monuments of revolutionary heroism. - M., 1981.