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KUZMIN Vasily Mikhailovich

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for KUZMIN Vasily Mikhailovich
Biography KUZMIN Vasily Mikhailovich
(2. 2. 1924)

In asil Kuzmin, second lieutenant, platoon commander of 82-millimeter mortar rounds 429 Infantry Regiment, 52 th Infantry Division. Born February 2, 1924 in a. Nikolaevka Ivanteevsky district of Saratov region. Russian. Before conscription worked tractor Bartenevskoy MTS. In August 1942 he was mobilized into the Red Army. He graduated from military school.

From January 1944 until the victory over Germany in World War II fought on the 3 rd Ukrainian Front. He participated in the liberation of Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, defeating the enemy on the territory of Austria. Wounded Oct. 19, 1944. For military distinctions awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2 nd degree (1945), medals "For the capture of Vienna", "For the liberation of Belgrade and three other medals.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Vasily Kuzmin awarded on Sept. 13, 1944 for bravery and courage, . shown in crossing the Dniester, . capture and hold a bridgehead on the west bank of the River.,

. M. Kuzmin sickness resigned from the Soviet Army. He graduated from the Donetsk Institute of Soviet Trade. Lived and worked in Mr.. Yalta.

W avershaya release of right-bank Ukraine, Soviet troops April 12, 1944 came to the Dniester. At its highest the west coast adversary adapted for defense old border fortifications, pillboxes and blockhouses connecting trenches and moves the message full profile.

. Mortar platoon lieutenant Kuzmin had to force the Dniester, along with the first echelon infantry
. In the village Bychek under Tiraspol, where the mortar came out, found the old fishing boats. The men repaired them - the gap caulked tarred oakum, flooded pitch. Moldovan fishermen, . well acquainted with local conditions, . told, . where the weapon emplacements of enemy, . advised, . on which sector is best to swim across the Dniester, . themselves expressed a desire to assist in the transfer of our soldiers in the West Bank.,

. Two hours before dawn, the battalion proceeded to force the river
. Despite heavy fire, one of our soldiers crossed the Dniester and catchy harmony attacked the enemy. Ensued night battle in the trenches, during which hundreds were slain over the Nazis.

Kuzmin landed in the first. He quickly established a mortar was still light at the target position, and he climbed up the river and on bursts corrected fire platoon.

. By dawn the arrows with the active support of the mortar knocked out the Nazis from the first trench, . which stretched along the shore and was, . essentially, . basic position, . through which the enemy siege shoot Dniester in many directions,
. In an effort to return this vantage point, the Nazis at 8 o'clock in the morning made the first counter. Kuzmin opened rapid fire on the infantry, which was in the growth of thick chains. Nazis were drunk. However, they did not survive a barrage of mortar fire and were forced to lie. But soon the platoon ran Kuzmina mines. Using the weakening of the fire, the Germans resumed the attack.

At this time, Kuzmin remembered battalion mortar enemy, who lay in a nearby pit. Under machine gun fire, he made his way there with one of the calculations and, using a large supply of enemy mines, opened fire on the enemy.

. Soon, with the support of the infantry mortar companies entered the village of Gura-Bykulay and almost completely freed him.

. In the middle of the day the enemy made another, the tenth in a row, a counter
. His main attack he unleashed on the left flank of thinning in the fighting battalions. Having spent fully captured mines, mortars, headed by their commander repelled enemy small arms fire. A few hours of battle platoon Kuzmina destroyed 2 mortars, 5 machine guns and 21 of the Nazis.

1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.1. M.: Voeniz.1987.
2) Rumyantsev.N.M. People legendary heroism ". Saratov. 1968

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    KUZMIN Vasily Mikhailovich, photo, biography KUZMIN Vasily Mikhailovich  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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