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( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for James V. SHISHKIN
Biography James V. SHISHKIN
(23. 12. 1920 - 27. 12. 1979)

I kov V. Shishkin, Captain Squadron 32 Fighter Regiment Starokostiantynivsky. Born December 23, 1920 in a. Alekseyevka Balakovo district of Saratov region. Russian. He graduated from the 7 classes of secondary school N 1 g. Wolski and Military Aviation School. In the Soviet Army in 1938.

During the Great Patriotic War - from January 1944 to May 1945 - fought in the 2 nd Air Force on the 1 st Ukrainian Front. Participated in the liberation of Right Bank. Ukraine, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and in defeating the Nazis in Germany. For military distinction and impeccable service in the Soviet Army awarded two Orders of Red Banner (1944, . 1945), . Order of the Patriotic War, 1 st degree (1944), . Red Star (1955) and the medals "For Military Merit" (1949), . "For the liberation of Prague", . "For the capture of Berlin", . "For the victory over Germany in World War II 1941 - 1945 gg." and five other medals.,

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Yakov Vasilyevich Shishkin awarded 27 June 1945 for the 244 successful sorties, . participated in 36 air battles, and personally shot down 18 enemy planes.,

. In the postwar years YA.V
. Shishkin completed courses at the Red Banner Air Force Academy. One of the first he has to fly at supersonic fighter. In 1957, for its high performance in combat training and development of flight in bad weather, was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

. Died Dec. 27, 1979.


By apitan Shishkin - an excellent pilot
. He flew a leading group of fighters to support ground-attack planes and bombers, . cover combat orders his troops, and crossing over the river South Bug, . Vistula and Oder, . to attack and reconnaissance of the enemy, . free "hunting" and the interception of enemy aircraft,
. Whatever the task or perform, always emerged victorious.

February 4, 1945 Shishkin, together with the knowledge of Lieutenant Kirichenko up from the airport near Breslau (now z. Wroclaw) with the aim of testing the motor. Testing the engines, the pilots went to the landing. At this point Shishkin on the radio he heard cries for help. Our pilot reported that leads unequal battle with enemy fighters.

Reported the situation at the command post, Shishkin towards the Breslau. When approaching the city, he noticed four "Focke-Wulf", attacking the top of our "Airacobra" (American-made fighter aircraft), caught in a very disadvantaged. Dispersed to the maximum speed and cover the smoke from numerous fires, Shishkin attacked enemy planes. From close range the brave pilots shot down one "Focke-Wulf". Other vultures left the area of battle.

Thanking Shishkina swaying wings Aerocobra went to their base. At this point in the sky there were two "Messerschmitt". Shishkin and Kirichenko scored high. Noticing the Soviet pilots, the Nazis decided to deviate from the battle. Sharp dive, hiding in the smoke, they began to leave its territory. Soviet pilots haunt them. At an altitude strafing the Germans seem to have decided that moved away from danger, and slowed down. Shishkin is felt immediately by the rapid rapprochement with the enemy. From a short distance, he fired a burst from one of the enemy aircraft. "Messerschmitt" broke and hit the ground near his airfield.

In another time - March 22, 1945 - Captain Shishkin flew the lead group of four Yak-W on the cover for ground troops in the area of Steinau. At a height of about 4 thousand meters, he found 12 "Focke-Wulf" and 6 Me-109 fighters. Despite the numerical superiority of the enemy, Shishkin with its pilots attacked the Nazis broke the order of battle "Fokker" and forced them to drop their bombs on troops. In the air battle, which lasted 15 minutes, the Soviet pilots shot down two enemy aircraft, one of which fell to the ground from the tag line squadron commander.

. ---
. Sources:
. 1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary
. V.2. M.: Voeniz.1988.
2) Rumyantsev.N.M. People legendary heroism ". Saratov. 1968

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James V. SHISHKIN, photo, biography James V. SHISHKIN  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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