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Eusebius (Eusebios)

( Greek Christian writer, the Greek historian)

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Biography Eusebius (Eusebios)
Eusebius; Eusebios, of Caesarea in Palestine, ca. 265-OK. 340 years. n. e., Greek Christian writer, the Greek historian. Began his research activities under the guidance of Pamphilus, which is based on the library at Caesarea, Origen founded a research base, where in clarifying the text of the Bible. E. taken as a scientific journey to Antioch, and Jerusalem (he used the library founded by Bishop Alexander). He collected materials on the interpretations of the Bible, and Apologetics, and Church history. As a token of gratitude to his teacher and friend, called himself the spiritual son of Pamphilus and honored his memory with a biography (not preserved). When Pamphilus suffered death during the persecution of Christians (309 or 310), the E. fled to Thebaid in Egypt. Ok. 313 g. was elected bishop of Caesarea. He tried to protect the aria in a dispute about the Arian heresy, for which he was deposed at the Synod of Antioch (325).

Subsequently rehabilitated at Council of Nicea (325 AD), later attacked the aria, and at the synod in Tire (335 g.) was the cause of persecution and expulsion of Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria. E. not accept the appointment of the Patriarch of Antioch. Constantine the Great valued E. as an ally in the unification of the Church. E. admired the emperor, who, after many centuries of bloody persecution ordered by the relation between Church and State. He was the first archivist and chronicler of the Church, and yet one of the key figures in the dispute about Arianism. - A characteristic feature of creativity E. a multiple-processing products and the use of older works in new development work. The most important of his works: Historical: Chronological table and sketch the history of the Greeks and barbarians (Chronikoi kanones kai epitome pantodapes historias Hellenon te kai barbaron) - about the history of the Chaldeans, Assyrians (with medami. Lydians and Persians). Jews. Egyptians. Greeks and Romans, equipped with tables (in parallel columns) from the birth of Abraham dating from 2016/15 r. BC. e., and 303 g. n. e. with notes on major events of world history, and in particular the "sacred history".

E. wanted to show that the Jewish religion, which is a continuation of Christianity over other religions. From the original Greek text preserved only fragments. Shortly after the death of E. work was mediocre processed and brought to 325 g. This spoiled the text became the basis of the Armenian translation in VI. and the Latin translation (cm. Jerome), supplemented by tables to 378 g. Church History (Ekklesiastike historia) is not a general history of the Church. E. outlined in it are some issues such as heritage of the apostles, Christian teachers and writers, the Gnostics and heretics, the punishment awaiting the Jews, the persecution of Christians and martyrdom. History has mushroomed in the last edition (c.. 325) up to 10 books. In the Greek text we have the Syriac translation of IV. n. e. (which was the basis of the Armenian translation) and Latin transcription Rufinus of Aquileia 403 g.), brought to 395 g. In some manuscripts of the book VII added a relation of the Palestinian martyrs 303-311 gg. (another more complete edition is preserved only in Syriac translation).

The product contains extremely rich collection of historical facts, documents and excerpts from many early Christian works. It has brought E. epithet "father of church historiography". History E. continued among other Socrates of Constantinople, and Sozomen Feodoret Kiriysky. Apologetic works: Harbinger of the Gospel (Euanglike propagaskeue) in 15 books. E. struggling here with pagan polytheism and proves the superiority of the Jewish religion, which was preparing to accept the Gospel. Books I-III: criticism of immoral pagan myths and their allegorical interpretation; kn. IV-V: pagan prophecy; kn. VI: criticism of belief in fate (destiny); kn. VII-XIII: Christians are not accidentally discarded the Greek religion and philosophy, and embraced the sacred books of Jews, since the Greek philosophers best svoie thoughts gleaned from the Bible, the book. XIV-XV: enumeration of errors and mistakes of the Greek philosophical systems. The product contains many excerpts from the lost works, and therefore it is important doksograficheskim source. Evangelical evidence (Euangelike apodeiksis) in 20 books. Survived the first 10 books, and Part XV.

Books I-II: E. explains why Christians accept the Jewish books, but reject the laws of Moses, Prince. III-IX: lead evidence of the prophets of the human nature of Christ (kn. III, of his divinity (kn. IV-V), of his incarnation and earthly life (kn. VI-IX); book. X: torture and death of Christ. Both apologetic writings formally directed against the pagans and Jews, but in reality - against Porphyry. E. often his quotes, and even quotes from his writings against the Christians, some anti-Christian attacks. On the Incarnation of God (Peri theophaneias) in 5 books. Wholly preserved only in Syriac translation of 411 g. Rhetorical apologetics, telling about the divinity of Christ and his bodily coming into the world. Polemical work directed against Gierokla, who wanted to prove the superiority of Christ, Apollonius of Tyana. Against the Porfiry (Kata porphyriu) in 25 books, essays, refutes the doctrine Porfiry. Rhetorical works: Life of Constantine (Eis ton bion tu makariu Konstantinu basileos; lat.: Vita Constantini) in 4 parts. It is a eulogy, written after the death of Constantine the Great (a long time its authorship disputed).

To her it added Constantine, it E. thirtieth anniversary of the reign of Constantine (335) and writing E. consecration of the church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem (335 g.). Dogmatic works: Protection Origen (Apologia hyper Origenus) in 6 parts - Origen's defense against the charge of unorthodox. Part IV written in collaboration with Pamfilov (308-309 gg.). preserved only in part I of the Latin translation of Rufinus and a brief retelling of Photius (cm. article "The fate of ancient literature"). Against Markel (Kata Markellu) in 2 parts and Theology (Ekklesiastike theologia) in 3 parts - the works, in which E. fought against Marcellus of Ankiry, accusing him of heresy. The dispute ended with deposition of Marcellus (a friend of Athanasius) from the post of bishop. Biblical writings: the so-called Canons - 10 synoptic tables of the four Gospels. Onomasticon - Dictionary of Biblical place names (except the Greek text preserved the Latin translation of Jerome). Commentary on the Bible, among other things, to the Psalm and the Book of Isaiah.

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Eusebius (Eusebios), photo, biography Eusebius (Eusebios)  Greek Christian writer, the Greek historian, photo, biography
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