Raul Johann Paul( Photographer)
Comments for Raul Johann Paul
Biography Raul Johann Paul
Johann Paul Raul, a Frenchman who worked in the 1860-1880-ies in Odessa, was one of the most prominent figures of Russian photography at that time. His images of Caucasian, . Crimean, . Volga types (ethnographic) and antiquities have been collected in albums for the education of princes in the reign of Emperor Alexander 3, . and still be stored in the Public Library and the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, . Pedant which brought in a camera with a format of 30x40 glass negatives, he received special orders for portraying such a distinguished group and stage pictures in plenere. Elegant print on paper, albumin, also made him an excellent touch-up photos of priceless works of art materials for art historians. Raul accompanied PD Kondakova in his expeditions to the North Caucasus, Georgia and Armenia in search of Christian antiquities in the years 1879-82, and later in the trip to Mount Athos and Palestine. After returning from a routine mission to Constantinople Kondakova, Raul was willing to return to their homeland; documented that in 1890 it contained studio in the south of France.