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Damned Sviatopolk YAROPOLCHICH

( Turovsky, then Prince of Kiev)

Comments for Damned Sviatopolk YAROPOLCHICH
Biography Damned Sviatopolk YAROPOLCHICH
Sviatopolk Yaropolchich Accursed (980-1019) - Turovsky, then Prince of Kiev, son of Grand Duke of Russia Yaropolk Svyatoslavich. Novgorod Prince. Vladimir Svyatoslavich after the murder (980) Yaropolk took to wife his pregnant widow, and born soon Svjatopolka fathered. In late. 80's. X in. stepfather identified Svjatopolka Yaropolchicha to reign in the land Turovsky, then gave him to the ground and holding Drevlyane Pinsk. At the beginning of XI. Sviatopolk Yaropolchich Accursed a conspiracy against Vladimir, who was discovered and Svyatopolk together with his wife - the daughter of a Polish Prince. Boleslaw I the Brave - was imprisoned. After the death of his stepfather (1015) captured the Grand the table, killing his half-brothers - Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav (for which he earned the nickname Cursed). Against Svjatopolka Yaropolchicha Accursed made his brother, Novgorod. kn. Yaroslav the Wise. After the defeat at the Battle of Liubech (1016) Sviatopolk Yaropolchich Accursed fled to Poland. Returning (1018) from the Polish, the army, Svyatopolk Yaropolchich Accursed defeated Yaroslav on the Bug and drove him out of Kiev. The discontent of the masses rule of foreigners led the Polish troops to leave Russia. In 1019, Mr.. Jaroslav again opposed Svjatopolka Yaropolchicha Accursed, who was forced to Pechenegs. In the battle on the river. Alta Sviatopolk Yaropolchich Accursed was defeated, fled to Poland, then in the Czech Republic and on the road died under mysterious circumstances.
To use material from the book.:

Boguslavsky, VV Burmina VV. Russia Rurik. Illustrated historical dictionary.

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Sviatopolk I Yaropolkovich Accursed (kol.5)

From the kind of Rurik. Son Yaropolk Svyatoslavich, stepson Vladimir Svyatoslavich. Genus. 980 g. Kn. Turovsky in 988 - 1015 years. Conducted. kn. Kiev 1) 1015 - 1016, 1018 - 1019 he. wife: daughter of the Polish Prince Boleslav I, + 1019 g.


The chronicler says that after the murder of his brother Yaropolk Prince Volodymyr took to wife his widow, a kind Greek girl, which was once led to Russia as a prisoner and Svetoslav Yaropolk issued for the sake of beauty of her face. But before she was a nun. When Vladimir married her, she was already pregnant by Yaropolk, and after birth to a son - Svjatopolka. Vladimir all his life he did not like him and did not consider his son, because Sviatopolk was a perpetual reminder of his sin.

In 988, Vladimir identified Svyatopolk inherit Turow. After the conclusion of peace between Russia and Poland, the Polish Duke Boleslaw the Brave Svjatopolka issued for his daughter. But this first kindred alliance with Russian Polish princes led to more discord between them. Boleslav, as can be seen, the best means to gain their own inner turmoil felt by neighbors. Together with the daughter of Boleslaw arrived at the court of Prince of Turov Reynbern, Bishop kolobrezhsky, who became friendly with Svyatopolk and began with the knowledge of Boleslaw poduchat him to revolt against the Vladimir. But Vladimir learned about the hostile designs and concluded Svjatopolka in prison along with his wife and Reynbernom.

In 1013 Boleslaw secured the release of his son-who has since lived in exile in Vyshgorod. Placing his nephew at his near by, Vladimir, apparently, wanted to protect themselves from his intrigues. Being under constant surveillance, Svyatopolk could not be dangerous to him. Circumstances, however, changed drastically in June 1015, after the sudden death of Vladimir.

Svyatopolk, who turned out in Kiev before all his brothers, immediately seized power. After that he called Kiev and was bribed them with gifts. The people of Kiev took bribes, says the chronicler, but their heart is not lying to the new prince. Everyone was waiting for that would make Boris, the favorite son, Vladimir, under whose father was the whole squad. Shortly before his death, Vladimir Boris sent an army against the Pechenegs, so Boris was far from Kiev. Sviatopolk knew how precarious his position. Therefore, in addition to bribery, he chose another way to retain power - the murder of brothers. First of all, sent them to people killed in the river Alta, Boris, Gleb, then, who went to Kiev: Not reassured at this, Svyatopolk who sent the killers to Svyatoslav.

Closer to fall, he heard that his other brother, Yaroslav the Wise, is it a war of Novgorod. Then Sviatopolk collected many soldiers, Russian and Pechenegs, and went against him to Liubech. He himself stood at one side of the Dnieper, and Yaroslav with his entourage at the opposite. Camp Svyatopolk was arranged between the two lakes. Not expecting an attack, he drank all night together with his retinue. Yaroslav at dawn, preparing his squad for the battle, crossed the Dnieper. After landing on the shore, Novgorod repulsed boat and went on the offensive. And both sides agreed, and the battle was fierce. Pechenigi same because of the lake could not come to the aid Svyatopolk. Novgorodians pressed Svyatopolkovu squad to the lake and began to beat her. Seeing this, Svyatopolk fled and fled to Poland to the test Boleslaw the Brave. And Yaroslav villages in Kiev.

In 1018, together with Svyatopolk against Yaroslav made himself Boleslaw the Brave. Yaroslav, Russia and collecting Normans, went to meet Boleslav and Svyatopolk and met them in Volhynia on the bank of the Bug. Poles suddenly rushed into the river, and their onslaught was so sudden that Yaroslav not even managed to gather their soldiers. The victory remained with Boleslav and Svyatopolk, and Yaroslav fled to Novgorod all four men of.

Entered Kiev, Boleslav himself became the ruler of the Russian land, and sent its squad to the neighboring cities to feed the. Svyatopolk same annoyed at-law for not having given him any authority, ordered his supporters to beat the Poles. And they began to kill Poles. Alarmed by the uprising, Boleslaw fled from Kiev, taking with him all the prince's coffers and all the sisters Yaroslav. Inc it with him and many ordinary people. Svyatopolk he began to reign in Kiev. But Jaroslaw, typing Normans, went a second time against him. Without Poles Sviatopolk could no longer resist his brother and fled to the steppe to the Pechenegs. There, gathered a large army in 1019 he spoke at Yaroslav, and the two armies met at the Alta.

At sunrise, the opponents got together and had a severe bout of what had happened before in Russia. Soldiers were cut, not thinking about life, so that blood flowed in streams on the lowlands. By evening Yaroslav defeated and fled Sviatopolk. During flight attacked him insane, and he could not sit on a horse because of the relaxation of the members. The servants carried him on a stretcher. He repeated incessantly: "Run!" Run! "'re After us," although no one went after him. It was intolerable to stay in one place. So he ran through the whole of Poland, and died, deserted, deserted in a certain place between Poland and the Czech Republic.

All the monarchs of the world. Russia. 600 brief biographies. Konstantin Ryzhov. Moscow, 1999.

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(cm. genealogical table I)

Parents: Yaropolk I (961-980h), Julia; After the murder Yaropolk Vladimir I took his wife Julia in a concubine. Soon she bore a son Svyatopolk, which I was brought up by Vladimir along with their children. Therefore, in some sources called Svjatopolka son Yaropolk, in others - the son of Vladimir.

Wife: name neizvestvo, daughter of the King of Poland Boleslaw I

Key moments
Vel.knyaz Kiev (1015-1015), (1017-1019);

Vladimir I planted Yaropolk in Turov, and about 1013 g. married to the daughter of Polish King Boleslaw. Together with the young princess arrived in Turov Bishop kolobrezhsky Reynbern, who had probably in mind the rejection of the Russian Church from the Greek and the subordination of Rome. Svyatopolk displeased Vladimir and moved by his wife and Reynbernom, was preparing a revolt against Vladimir, hoping, obviously, to help test, but Vladimir learned of his intentions, and put him with his wife and Reynbernom in jail. Shortly before the death of Vladimir Sviatopolk was released and, apparently, received an inheritance Vyshgorod, near Kiev

. When Vladimir died (1015), . surrounding his death was concealed from Svjatopolka, . which, . as the eldest of the sons were in the living Vladimir, . could lay claim to the Kiev throne, but Sviatopolk was at this time in Kiev, . learned about the death of his father, and immediately seized his desk,
. To attract the sympathy of Kyiv, little of it located, Svyatopolk began distributing gifts to citizens. Then he tried to secure themselves against claims of the Kiev throne of the brothers. The most dangerous for him was Boris, the disposal of which were his father's squad and Kiev militia and who enjoyed the love of Kiev. Sviatopolk sent loyal VYSHEGORODTSEV kill Boris, in the same way he escaped from two other brothers, Gleb and Svyatoslav, who fled to Hungary, but was killed in the Carpathian Mountains. Such reprisals against relatives rivals even though it was an anomaly at that age, but she made a painful impression on his contemporaries Svyatopolk, and they gave him the nickname of the Accursed. (See. "Tale of Bygone Years". Part 3).

The news of the beating Svyatopolk brothers reached the Novgorod Prince Yaroslav, who, with the support of Novgorod and the Varangian, went to war Svyatopolk. The clash occurred near the town Liubech. Sviatopolk was defeated and fled to Poland, but with the help of his wife's father defeated Yaroslav and again took Kiev (1017). Boleslav, with part of the troops remained for some time in Russia, and only when the Russian beat the Poles went home, seizing assets and Yaroslav taking on the road Cherven cities. Meanwhile, Jaroslaw, at the insistence of Novgorod, again marched to Kiev. Sviatopolk was defeated, fled to the steppe to the Pechenegs and led them against Yaroslav. The battle took place on the shores of Alta, where he was killed by Boris. Sviatopolk again experienced failure, fled to Poland and died on the way

. Material from the site



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. Svyatopolk Damned (975, Novgorod - 1019), Prince of Turov with 988, led
. Prince of Kiev in 1015. Son Yaropolk, adoptee led. Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich and got a lot of Turov-Pinsk Duchy. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", S., harassment Kievan throne, killed the three brothers. Two of them, Boris and Gleb, were ranked Russian. Church of the saints. According to modern researchers, nicknamed "Cursed" C. is undeserved, tk. story of the murder - a later insertion in the annals. Who really killed the sons of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich say with certainty historians can not. Claims presented to the Kiev throne of Novgorod, Prince Yaroslav the Wise, a supporter of Christianity. Enemy of the new religion, with. defeated v.bitve Liubech in 1016 and fled to Poland. S. was married to the daughter of Polish King Boleslaw the Brave, provide military assistance to his son -. Returning in 1018 with the Polish army, with. Yaroslav defeated on the river. Bug and drove him out of Kiev. . In 1019 Jaroslav again forced C. leave Kiev. S. fled to Poland, where he ended his days as an unknown.

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Damned Sviatopolk YAROPOLCHICH, photo, biography
Damned Sviatopolk YAROPOLCHICH, photo, biography Damned Sviatopolk YAROPOLCHICH  Turovsky, then Prince of Kiev, photo, biography
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