Bergelson David Rafailovich( Writer)
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Biography Bergelson David Rafailovich
Bergelson David Rafailovich (12.08.1884, place Ohrimovo Kiev province - 12.08.1952), writer, became known before the revolution, releasing in 1913 the novel "After all" about the fate of Jewish intellectuals. Welcomed the arrival to power of the Bolsheviks. In 1920 came his novel "Waste". In 1921 went abroad, but in 1929 returned to the USSR. The main theme of his works B. chose the glorification of the revolutionaries, and revolution, heroic Revolution and Civil War. In the novel "On the Dnieper" (1939-40) is completely one-sided described Jewish life in Russia before the revolution of 1905-07. After the Great Patriotic War in the struggle against "cosmopolitanism" in the number arrested a group of Jewish writers (LM. Kvitko P.D. Marques and others). Sentenced to death. Shot. He was posthumously rehabilitated.