BERZIN Ian Antonovich( The statesman, diplomat)
Comments for BERZIN Ian Antonovich
Biography BERZIN Ian Antonovich
Berzin (real name - Berzins, Ziemelis) Jan Antonovich (29.09.1881, Vendensky county Lifland province - 29.08.1938), politician, diplomat. The son of a peasant. In 1902 joined the RSDLP, a Bolshevik, he worked in the Latvian Social-Democratic organizations. Worked as a teacher. Repeatedly arrested for revolutionary activity. In 1906 - 07 Secretary and member of the St. Petersburg RSDLP. In 1908 he was forced into exile, a member of the Bolshevik groups abroad Bureau of Social-Democracy of the Lithuanian territory (SDLC) and editor of the central body SDLC "Qin". In 1917, a member of the Central Committee of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (SDPL). In 1917-18 he was a member, and in 1918-19 a candidate member RSDLP (b). Member of the Central Executive Committee. After the October Revolution, in the diplomatic service. In May-noyab.1918 Ambassador to Switzerland. In January-May 1919 the People's Commissar of Education of the puppet communist government in Latvia. In June 1919 - June 1920 Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Comintern. On Feb.. 1921 Ambassador to Finland, from July of 1921 vice-ambassador to Britain, in 1925 Ambassador to Austria. Since 1927 authorized the USSR People's Commissariat of the SNK USSR, member of the CC CP (b) of Ukraine. Since 1929 Deputy. prev. Commission on the publication of diplomatic documents. Since 1932 upravdyayushy Central Archival Department of the USSR and the RSFSR, editor zhurnada Red Archive ", where it was published a large number of documents on the history of the revolutionary and social movement in Russia. In 1938, arrested. Sentenced to death. Shot. He was posthumously rehabilitated.