Musin-Pushkin Apollos Apollosovich( Russian chemist and mineralogist, statesman, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences)
Comments for Musin-Pushkin Apollos Apollosovich
Biography Musin-Pushkin Apollos Apollosovich
Musin-Pushkin Apollos Apollosovich (28. II. 1760 - 30. IV. 1805) - Russian chemist and mineralogist, statesman, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (from 1796). Born in St. Petersburg. He received education at home. From 1791 Adviser Mountain Expedition. Vice President Berg Board (from 1796).
The main works include the chemistry and technology of platinum and chromium. The first in Russia studied the platinum metals and received (1797) series 'ternary' complex salts of platinum. He received (1797) amalgam of platinum. A new method of forging an amalgam of its calcination. He opened (1800) chrome alum, received a number of oxides of chromium. Alloys of platinum with copper and silver.
Headed (1799-1805) Transcaucasian expedition, studied the mineral wealth of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, contributed to the development of mining in this area. Member of several scientific academies and scientific societies.