Alois Jirö?sek( Czech novelist and poet)
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Biography Alois Jirö?sek
Jirö?sek Alois (Jirasek, Alois) (1851-1930), also Jirö?sek, Czech novelist and poet. Born August 23, 1851 in Grodno, a family of farmers and weavers. He studied history and literature at the University of Prague, and later taught at the school in Litomisle and the University of Prague. Poems published since 1871. I also felt the powerful influence of romanticism W. Scott, Adam Mickiewicz, YI Kraszewski. When Jirö?sek switched to prose, the main source of inspiration for him was the Czech history. He is very successful in the Czech depiction of antiquity, especially the era of the Hussite movement of 14-15 centuries., Which are devoted to his love affair between currents (Mezi proudy, tt. 1-3, 1887-1890), against all (Proti vsem, 1893), Brotherhood (Bratrstvo, tt. 1-3, 1898-1908), as the highest peaks of his prose skills achieved in the novel, FL Century (FLVek, tt. 1-5, 1888-1906), devoted to a so-called. 'National revival' (18).
We Jirö?sek simple, clear style, historical events it depicts vividly and realistically. In his historical novels display the spirit of the Czech nation. Among his numerous works - historical drama Jan Hus (Jan Hus), Jan å¥iå¡ka (Jan Zizka), Jan Rogach (Jan Rohac). Jirö?sek died in Prague on March 12, 1930.