BRUCKNER Anita( English writer, art historian)
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Biography BRUCKNER Anita
BRUCKNER, Anita (Brookner, Anita) (p. 1928), English art historian, writer. Novels Bruckner, . Wizard psychological portrait, . who can discern the subtle details and nuances, . creator of witty comedies of manners', . when deliberately narrow angle of vision marked by genuine depth in describing the life of a small group of people, . often compared with the works Dzh.Osten, . Born July 16, 1928 in London. In 1949 graduated from Kings College, London University, Bachelor of Arts in 1952 received a doctorate in art history at the Institute of Arts Kurtolda in London. Specialist art 18-19 centuries., She became the first woman professor at Cambridge University (1967-1968). In 1990 was awarded the title Kavalerstvennoy ladies of the Order of the British Empire.
His first novel, "The beginning of life" (A Start in Life; in the United States issued under the name of "Debut"-Debut) released in 1981. Her heroine, . critics say, . may seem somewhat old-fashioned, . exclusively driven by a sense of duty, . but the author's writing technique is absolutely up to date: Rigid, . equally devoid of any kind was euphemistic veil, . as life around, . Second novel writer, . "Destiny" (Providence, . 1982), . also collected the most favorable responses from both critics, . and from the lips of its venerable colleagues ( 'successfully winning writer's own territory', 'master of miniature sketches the faint-hearted people', 'terrific writer'), . "Look at me" (Look at Me, . 1983), . third novel Bruckner, . was, . According to the reviewer Julia Epstein, . 'almost unprecedented achievement, . a novel about the emptiness and inactivity: a tragedy at the same time of loneliness and helplessness - a real triumph for writer, . a perfect knowledge of his pen, and myself ', .
The novel "Hotel" At the lake ' "(Hotel du Lac, 1984) - the most famous product of the writer. In the year of its release, he received the Booker Prize, Britain's most prestigious literary award, and a year later, the novel was withdrawn the same film
. Typically, . Bruckner annually publishes a new novel: "Family and Friends" (Family and Friends, . 1985), . "Misalliance" (A Misalliance, . 1986), . "A friend from England" (A Friend from England, . 1987), . "Late" (Latecomers, . 1988), . Lewis Percy "(Lewis Percy, . 1989), . "Short Life" (Brief Lives, . 1990), . "Private Eye" (A Closed Eye, . 1991), . "Deception" (Fraud, . 1992), . "Family Romance" (1993; in the U.S. went under the name "Dolly" - Dolly), . "Personal opinion" (A Private View, . 1994), . "Incidents in the Rue Laugier" (Incidents in the Rue Laugier, . 1996), . "The amended provisions" (Altered States, . 1997), . "Visitors" (Visitors, . 1998), . "The slow decline" (Falling Slowly, . 1998), . "Improper influence" (Undue Influence, . 1999) and "Bay of Angels" (The Bay of Angels, . 2001),
. Author of a number of art works, . appreciated by specialists, . including the "Genius of the Future: Study of French art criticism" (1971), . "Greuze: The Rise and decline of art of XVIII century" (1972), . "Jacques-Louis David, . author's view: Lectures on various issues of art "(1974), . "Roll call: Studies on Art and Literature" (collection of articles, . written more than 25 years, . 1997) and "Romanticism and its anxiety" (2000), . Compiled a collection of stories of American writer Edith Wharton.