Grigory Gorin Izrailevich( Russian playwright)
Comments for Grigory Gorin Izrailevich
Biography Grigory Gorin Izrailevich
Gorin, GREGORY Izrailevich (1940-2000), present. name Ofshteyn, Russian playwright, novelist. Born March 12, 1940 in Moscow in the family of a serviceman. After graduating from the 1-st Moscow Medical Institute. IM Sechenov (1963), for several years worked as a 'ambulance'. He started with the works of scenes for the students 'leasers' (WHC), . from the 1960's has actively promoted in the press feuilletons, . humorous stories and sketches, . ridiculing the lies and hypocrisy of the established social and personal relationships, . dominance unprincipled, . irresponsible and cowardly bureaucrats, . imitation of useful activity and sincere feelings, . lazy and selfish indifference of the 'standstill', . struck, . a disease, . pre-Perestroika Soviet society (I kharcho!, . The more open a beer? ..., . Candid Camera, . Potapova Stop!, . Good education, , . Some time in charge of the department of humor magazine 'Youth', led the popular column on behalf of Jackdaws Galkina.
In 1966 the first book of prose Gorin's "Four under one cover" (Joint. with others. authors) and the play "Wedding on the whole of Europe" (co-authored with A. Arkanov, co-author of Gorin also in the plays "Banquet", the post. 1968; Little comedy big house "," Toreador ", both 1973; Solo for the duo, 1975)
. From elegant joke, . Nifty, . aphoristic accuracy (Gorin belongs to the expression 'the piano in the bushes', . means careful preparation of an imaginary impromptu) and 'sign' satirical imagery (figure cynical and indifferent 'Let It Ride' Potapova), the writer went to the serious philosophical issues, . to identify the meaning, . nature and purpose of human self-realization, . whether it be comedy "Til" (1970) explanation of Flemish folklore, and the novel W, . De Coster, the 'wrong' and restless, but the brave and selfless hero; tragicomedy Forget Herostratus! (post. 1972), challenging the historical memory of a destroyer, or play "The most truthful" (1974) of Baron Munchausen, unrestrained imagination which is higher than the mundane truth wingless mediocrity
. Relying, . in the tradition of Brecht, and E. Schwartz, . to rethink, . sometimes paradoxical, . textbook stories, . Gorin says the priority of mind over inertia ( "House, . who built the Swift, . 1980), . tolerance of the national consciousness - the religious and national chauvinism ( "Memorial Prayer", . 1989, . based on works by Sholom Aleichem), . power of art - over the power ( "Kin IV", . 1991 - the great English actor), . love - over the phantoms of prejudice, . sometimes called 'honor kind' ( "Plague on both your houses!", . 1994, . explanation of the tragedy of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet "),
. Enduring social and moral conflicts inherent in the rapid playwright game, . improvisational collage style, . in style, . intensive topical and cultural-historical allusions, . gravitating to the parable, and allegory, . Gorin is also considering the numerous pieces, . based both on the modern ( "Phenomena", . 1984; Farewell, . ceremonies!, . 1985; Cat home average fluffy ", . 1989, . Joint, . with V. Voinovich, and others), and in retrospect, turned into a cultural or historical background material ( "The Royal Game," 1995; "Schastlivtsev-Neschastlivtsev," 1997; "Jester Balakirev", 1999)
. Author scenarios (usually, . by their own works), many popular kinofildmov ( "Stop Potapov!", . "You - I, . I - you! ", . "Velvet Season", . "The very Munchausen", . House, . who built the Swift, . "Kill the dragon!", . based on the play and EL Schwartz, "The Formula of Love", . for product A. Tolstoy), literary-journalistic articles, .
Gorin died in Moscow on 15 June 2000.