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Dmitry Nosov

( judoka)

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Biography Dmitry Nosov
The most striking sight at the Olympics was the performance of Russia's Dmitry Nosov judoka in the category to 81 kg. Despite the severe trauma, because of which the pupil of the Moscow school 'Sambo-70' virtually unable to move his left arm, he went to battle for third place and won it in an incredible way. To crown it all in the battle for the bronze Nosov cut eyebrow and their heroic victory glad bleeding. Day later, when Dmitry Nosov away from the pain of shock, talked with him a journalist Yuri DUD.

. - The main issue of concern to almost everyone: but was there any sense as to risk the health and still come out to fight for third place?

. - What kind of question? Of course, the meaning was! After the semifinals, I was demoralized, and I have had a terrible panic: after all, snapped my wrist in the semi-good ..
. I just sat there and yelled, adjusting itself so the next round. But I'm prepared to win gold at this Olympics and was very close to this. Therefore, the battle for bronze had to go: no idea how I can go from Athens without a medal. In the mood is helped our doctor. He supported me when the question officials: 'Well, is removed from the tournament? " - I replied: 'No, continue! "

. - Actually it was to win in 1 / 2 finals Greek Ilias Iliadis, who eventually became an Olympic champion?

. - Before we met with him twice, and the score was equal - 1:1
. I set up a fight to the death. Chances to win were already in the beginning, but I could not keep Iliadis - and failed armlock. And then I got injured ... I think the victory would be for me if not for injury. I believe in this, because when you have something very much like, you always will achieve this. And as much as I wanted the gold medal in Athens, I am in my life wanted nothing more.

- It is said that the Greek champion not 17 years. After a personal meeting can say that the teenager won the Olympics?

- Yes, of course he was not 17 years old. It is only in fairy tales small boys can scatter in different directions healthy men. I think he was born in 1982 - where it is so. He's originally a Georgian, and Greek citizenship has recently. And the Greeks fashionable change date of birth by changing your passport.

- In Russia, your victory has caused a storm of delight. Who has time to congratulate you on this success?

- The guys on the team, such. Of officials on Wednesday morning, congratulated the President of the Olympic committee of Russia Leonid Tyagachev. Although it seems to me that I have the attention of such persons until the unworthy - only won a bronze, not gold. But still want to eventually communicate with the main judoka of Russia - Vladimir Putin.

. - How long does plan to stay in Athens and that of other sports look?

. - I would like to stay until the end of the Olympics, but doctors are not allowed
. They say you should be treated, in fact, possibly even surgery to have. So soon, probably will go home. Of the other types of programs would look with pleasure athletics, and the bar fight. These are real sports that come under the principle of 'faster, higher, stronger'. I respect them more team disciplines. And the judges there do not depend. Here we have a Judo: threw the blades - and you are the winner is ...

- Oh, do not tell. You yourself in a battle for third place held a reception for which the judge gave 'Vasari', ie polpobedy, and can give and 'ippon' - a clean victory ...

. - Yes, I once watched an episode on the judge, begging him to record the victory and stopped the battle ..
. But in judo, the judges may intervene only when fighting equal rivals and had to dig into the nuances - just in this case and there was. And if you make a rival pain, then there really none of your victory will not call back.

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Nosov, Alexander Ivanovich
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Alexander Nosov

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