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Brandon Lee

( Actor)

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Biography Brandon Lee
Firstborn Brandon Bruce Lee was born Feb. 1, 1965 in Oakland (California, USA). Surprising similarity of father and son just amazed. Bruce Lee Brandon began to teach kung fu to three years, and five that had already walked on his hands and took out his foot to the jump of his father's chin. Friends were afraid to come to his house - in the backyard almost always heard war cries, sounds of blows and the sound of falling bodies.

. Just as Bruce, Brandon was unable to adjust to the school orders and was expelled for defiance and fighting
. Nokautirovanie director of his own school, the war with the local police due to the fact that Brandon is on his "Harley" ride through the city, violating all traffic rules - all this was the last straw in the cup of patience of the school board. Mother had to identify her son in another college. But Brandon did not give up on this. Most of his infuriated by the fact that it saw only a son of the deceased celebrities. Vicious, intense, aggressive, dressed in a tattered denim suit, a black bandana and rough work boots - so remember the young millionaire fellow college.

. After graduating from Emerson College, Brandon studied at the Academy Strasborga
. While studying in school, he performed on the stages of small theaters. At the academy he continued to actively grasp the subtleties of acting. Then he began acting. It was then, and it turned out that Brandon is an excellent actor. He wanted to play one of the most difficult psychological roles - reveal the restless soul of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Planck acting Brandon picked up for himself to such a height, which many have no intention. But he suffered the sad fate of children of celebrities: either to abandon their dreams, or a lifetime to prove that he himself, without using the name of the parent is able to rise to this height.

. At the beginning of his short career, Brandon Lee was firmly convinced that would be a dramatic actor
. However, the only possible one for him became a genre, firmly connected with the name of the father - a genre blockbuster. This is where the Lee Jr. in all his glory was to show his ability and skill.

Brandon made his debut in 1986 in the television film "Kung Fu: the film". In the same year he starred in his first film - "Legacy of Fury". Then there were the films "View map in Little Tokyo" (1991), "Rapid Fire" (1992), which brought real fame Brandon Lee. Excellent sporting form, pumped up muscles, the ability to fight was nice for Brandon guarantee good work. Unfortunately, it turned out last movie shot entirely with live actors. Brandon Lee did not manage to measure up to his father talent and fame: they equalized only death worthy of this actor - in 28 years, Brandon Lee was killed on the set.

This happened while filming "The Raven" (1994). As a result of a tragic accident Brandon Lee was shot by another actor. Painting "The Raven" was the debut for director Alex Proyas. The basis of the script went to a comic book of the same name by James O'Bara, filled with gloomy poetics postpankovskogo imagination. According to ancient legend, the soul of a deceased person kills crows. But sometimes the soul, in order to attain peace, is forced again to return to Earth and restore justice. The hero of history, was killed in the All Saints' Day, but had risen to avenge. He came from nothing to avenge his death and the murder of his girlfriend.

. On the set of "Crow" was going on that something was wrong: one of the actors received severe burns and another seriously wounded hand, the journalist who wrote about the film was in a car accident, a designer mad
. And finally, instead of the blank cartridge in the drum was fighting:

. Brandon, having worked all night to wear (according to the scenario, almost all the action takes place at night), at nine dead fell into bed, then in four days - and rise again, exhausting work
. And so he worked six days a week. And on the seventh - drunk. With little training - just half an hour a day - Brandon somehow maintained the form:

. On that memorable day for all fans of actor Brandon talked about the upcoming wedding with kinoredaktorom Eliza Hutton, one of the prettiest girls in Hollywood
. Their wedding was to take place immediately after the end of filming "The Crow". Ahead of the actor was bright, calm days - with his young wife, without the tedious work, without oprotivevshego makeup: Almost throughout the filming he had to wear black and white mask of death. And in that day was to take another scene where the hero Brandon killed by the hands of the villain Fanbou.

The cameras were aimed at Brandon. Actor Michael Massey, who served the role Fanbou, had to shoot him with a revolver with five meters. Lee had a small explosive device which he had to give effect to simulate the sound of a shot. Scene not particularly technical complexity compared with many previous ones, which produced up to fifty shots per double.

After the command "Action!" Massey fired, the device exploded, Lee fell, the scene was filmed. Brandon fell to the ground, bleeding, and shooting in the meantime went on as usual. It is high time to rise, but the actor has continued to lie still. The bullet pierced the spine. They called an ambulance. At the hospital, the actor struggled for several hours with the death. Upon learning of the tragedy, immediately flew his bride. Brandon is like waiting for her. He died March 31, 1993 as soon as she appeared ...

The tragic yet absurd death of a superstar could not do without investigation. It was conducted with extreme care. Been studied all the circumstances of the case, analyzed film, in which all the documented. Ill-fated gun disassembled literally "on the molecules'. It turned out that the preparation of a revolver to work were not taken all precautions, and among the blanks "wormed" real. And although the verdict without appeal read: pure accident - many still have questions. Why, for example, Brandon was not issued bulletproof vest? If the scenario of an actor to shoot at close range, he had to get it. Why is the bullet still hit the Lie, . though all advised "villain" does not aim at the actor, . in direction? Why on-site during the shooting did not present an expert on weapons? The chain of coincidences? All these questions, . still continue to haunt the minds of fans talent.,

. After the death of Brandon's producers invited to understudy for shooting the remaining scenes, resorted to the latest computer technology
. However, immediately the moment of death, not only not used in the film, but was destroyed:

Picture of special interest to which was caused by a tragic history, released in rental. The success of "The Raven" was simply stunning. The film's soundtrack became a hit, the fees in the U.S. alone amounted to more than $ 50 million. This is very harsh, dynamic, and perhaps the most famous fantasy action movie in film history, even before the shooting's got a cult status, became a kind of monument to the art of Brandon Lee.

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