Pavel Durov had a fight with the robbers in the USA
The developer of a social network "Vkontakte" Pavel Durov said that nearly became the victim of a robbery. From the villains he managed to fight back.
Many cities in the U.S. are divided into districts by the level of crime, and in the case where people are not afraid to leave it on the street unlocked car with keys inside, somewhere, their property is necessary to protect the force. In a similar situation got the Creator of a social network "Vkontakte", which until blood had a fight with the raiders.
"Just had a fight with guys who wanted to take my phone near 980 mission. Terrible neighborhood? Not for a Russian," wrote Pavel Durov on his own Twitter page, endorsing your own words photos hands with whipped knuckles.
Judging by the geotag messages Durov, the incident happened to him in San Francisco California. Other details developer Vkontakte was not reported. That was with the thieves, and only if Paul can now brag about "combat wounds" is not known.
Many members supported Paul Durov and expressed the hope that he was not badly injured in the process of conflict with the attackers. Not everyone, however, believed that everything happened in such a heroic colors, as he suggested.
"Hans Christian Durov," wrote 1 of the commentators, therefore hinting that read more like a story and not the real situation. "You wanted to scratch?", "inquired another.
The attack responded even former United States Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul. "You'll be safer in Palo Alto! Come by sometime for us to Stanford" - he turned to Paul Durova.