Created the first artificial nerve cell
Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden has made a real breakthrough. They managed to create the first in the history of human kind artificial nerve cell that functionality is no different from the present.
A popular expression that nerve cells do not regenerate, it seems, goes into the past. Swedish researchers managed to create the first artificial nerve cell. It's made out of polymers that conduct electricity. In other words an artificial cell can, as a human, to detect changes and to send a signal, which is converted into chemical and affects subsequent cell. Roughly speaking, it is able to simulate nerve cells inhabitant of our planet and interact with them similarly to that in normal live, mode.
"Artificial cell is exactly the same as human neurons that detect changes in chemical signal, which is then converted into an electrical signal. With the help of electronic software the signal is sent further to the desired location, where it is converted to a chemical signal, which will affect subsequent cell", - reported in a scientific article published in the journal Biosensors