Fomin: the ban on fish exports in Russia will lead to the collapse of the fishing industry
Prohibition on disposal abroad of Russian fish will lead to the collapse of the fishing industry in Russia, says the head of the Russian Association of fisheries factories, entrepreneurs and exporters (rnafee) Alexander Fomin.
first Deputy head of the faction "Fair Russia" Oleg Nilov brought the initiative to the Ministry of agriculture to introduce a temporary Ban on the implementation of domestic fish abroad to change the position on the domestic market for the better and the loss deficit fish. For reviews of the MP, more than 70% of Russian fish in fact immediately after the catch is implemented in Japan, Korea, China and other countries.
"No good the proposal of the Deputy from the just Russia" on the introduction of a temporary ban on the sale of domestic fish abroad will not. It is totally ill-conceived political message, which will lead to the collapse of the fishing industry and the decline of the Russian catch, " said Fins news Fomin.
As said the head of the Department, at the fish market at the present time there is a balance of exports and imports. While there are species of fish, large amounts of which are not in demand in Russia, they are shipped abroad, and that built the economy of the Russian plants. In Russia imported those species of fish that Russian fishermen on their own are not caught.
" Take the main target species - walleye: 1, 5 million tons in RF useless. Accordingly, if the export Pollock is prohibited, it will simply cease to catch: in the domestic market these volumes are not needed. Ultimately, This will lead to the bankruptcy of several organizations and the fact that this commercial will not settle and will be excluded from the economic turnover ", - said the Commissioner rnafee.
according to expert analysis, the lack of fish in the country " Laden ": Pollock and herring it increases the share of the domestic market for Pacific salmon. However, emphasizes Fomin, there are issues that are not depending on fishermen Is the unavailability of transport logistics for delivery of large amounts of fish from the Far East in the Central regions of the country.
in connection with the situation in Ukraine at the end of July 2014, the EU and the United States from a point penalties against private individuals and organizations turned to measures against sectors of the Russian economy. In response, Russia has restricted the import of food items from countries that have introduced in relation to penalties: USA, EU, Canada, Australia and Norway.