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photo Kristina Orbakajte

Kristina Orbakajte

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 Kristina Orbakajte

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  • Lisa for Kristina Orbakajte
  • I love Christine!
  • fortuna196315 for Kristina Orbakajte
  • INFINITI for Kristina Orbakajte
  • pancake, . horror, . as I do not like, . Is not her hair tidy, . These stubby white sticks, , , . dressings are not crazy head, . nose-right-converted, . shoulders of small thick-knees, . moves such as the absurd, . a claim to originality, . and her songs can not listen, . itch just want, . as well as on Kirkorov,
  • Natalia for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Christina postinne creative person with larger letters. Whatever she was doing: she acted in movies, played in the theater, singing! Talent!
  • Natalia for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Christina postinne creative person with larger letters. Whatever she was doing: she acted in movies, played in the theater, singing! Talent!
  • Natalia for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Christina postinne creative person with larger letters. Whatever she was doing: she acted in movies, played in the theater, singing! Talent!
  • Anonymous for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Natasha for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Christina - the best singer and actress. I love her so much
  • Victoria for Kristina Orbakajte
  • I love you!
  • Elena for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Christina Orbakajte I liked immediately, as I scanned the film with her participation, and sings it's cool! I would like to see it real! I wish you happiness and good luck!
  • Leo for Kristina Orbakajte
  • I like Christina. Such an open person. I wish her good luck in the family and work!
  • Tatiana for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Christina you are just superb, great talent, your performance is amazing.
  • Vika for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Chrystyna very cheerful and kind man! She's the best!
  • Umar for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Christina classroom you I love you
  • Denis for Kristina Orbakajte
  • A whore like all the women
  • nedin for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Very good mother, actress and chelovek.Vsem would have to be able to work as it ! My best wishes to her: all the best, and most importantly happiness and love!
  • Lilia for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Very much.
  • Elena for Kristina Orbakajte
  • пёп?пҐп?я?п?п° and very stylish girl!
  • Tanya for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Vsegda ochen 'nravilas' i nravitsya. ochen 'stil'naya i krasivaya zhenshina. interesnya imenno svoej nepoxozhest'yu na vsex "tipovyx" krasotok. mne nravitsya kak prosto chen 'interesnaya zhenshina.
  • Michael for Kristina Orbakajte
  • With all due respect to A.B. - Her daughter was only half-finished cartoon ... If she were not my daughter Pugacheva - NEVER would have made it so that is now. As for the history of Denis - a measure of her own immaturity and stupidity. East - a delicate and complex, and before bind their lives to the Eastern man, you were very well thought ....
  • Marina for Kristina Orbakajte
  • I do not quite agree with Michael. Of course, the first two sentences have meaning, without regard mom and her money she would not break. But on the stupidity and immaturity, it is not so. Just as a man open and kind, incapable of meanness, as well as having a European mentality, it is not implied by Baisarov such a step. And that just want popiaritsya once.
  • morning for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Without the principles and without complexes. And with the husband she does not live - to part.
  • Ella for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Kristinochka, . we are for you and us comfortable majority! Baisarov sucked completely, . her wild antics - to take his mother's son, . blee have to like you, . light, . net, . giving joy and beauty of the people - without knowing, . put on themselves and their careers cross,
    . Now with all the businessmen interrupt cause, will not spoil your reputation. A custom to pick up the boys from their mothers is a fiction, invented in the wild, ignorant, limited, cut off from civilization families, but not in modern educated Caucasians. I live in the Caucasus and see. We believe that your son Denis is always next to you!
  • Galina for Kristina Orbakajte
  • People always produce extraordinary fire on himself. Whatever Christina was not in life, it is worthy of respect. You criticize, you ask yourself - could do the same? The brighter the light, the sharper the shadows.
  • Natalia for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Oksana for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Parent Prayer About, . Lord, . as a brief way to Earth. candle to my blow seeks wind: I pray, . You death do not send me, . No need for me to be children. You can heal any sickness, . Forgive me, and thou shalt repent. Only you know how to love and understand the physical suffering. You are way passed from nurseries to the Cross, . Lord, . assumed the form of a human. Your incomprehensible goodness, . You were, . is, . forever and always, keep my children among the adversities. do not let the threat of the death battle! "And I believe I, . save them from the evil of my, . tears washed, . Prayer: O, . Lord, . as a brief way to Earth. candle to my blow seeks wind: I pray, . You death do not send me, . No need for me to be children:,
  • Svetik for Kristina Orbakajte
  • Hello, you are my favorite actress, I'm with the White Tserkvi.Poseschayu all your concerts in Kiev and in our gorode.Pochasche speak with us, you're super!
  • Alena for Kristina Orbakajte
  • You're doing fine! slogger and talented and you're brave! Do not be afraid fight it .. bad man! Baisarov nothingness .. of course he takes revenge on you and I envy you .. good luck to you!
  • Latsis for Kristina Orbakajte
  • The child gave birth to light two people, so they should have equal rights. What kind of bestial attitude to the fathers? I mean the man's father who loves her child and wants to educate, to give him the best, see him every day, every hour, every minute ... know that in his heart that he was concerned or worried. Why are we so not human? Why Father child will be more unhappy than her mother? Who invented it? Who can be a money, . kilometers or kilojoules measure the pain experienced by a father who separated from her child? And the more the conversation is about a mother as Orbakajte,
    . Party, tours, corporate parties, concerts ... A child living with and caring father to be with strangers? No, no pardon me, the child should be given to his father's upbringing, and no discussion. Ruslan Baisarov monthly pay 500 thousand dollars for the maintenance Orbakajte Christine Denis. This is a business for her, and being more profitable than what she calls singing songs in his performance. THINK PEOPLE! Where is her eldest son? Who teaches? What all this time to look after him? Do you think your mother? And I understand Baisarov, who wants her child a better life ...
  • liliya Nogaeva for Kristina Orbakajte
  • I dumau chto eto bila bolshaya oshibka imet' svyaz' s chechenzem Eto ochen' jestokie i agressivnie ludi. I esli on sdelal takie dengi na neschast'e ludei on ne chelovek. Alla borisovna mne ee jal', ona ochen' perejivaet za doch' i za vnyka. Eto ochen' strashno ,chto on jivet s Baisarovim i smotrit' vse chto on delaet. A tam ne ochen' xoroshie dela . Dlya rebenka eto ne nujno. i to chto on platil rebenku dengi. I nikogda ne poveru. Alla Borisovna ne vechnaya i ona ne smojet zashitit' ix vsex. Dai bog ei zdorov'ya. I dumau ,chto nado derjat'sa Ameriki. Eto silnaya strana kotoraya ne daet v obidu svoix grajdan. i Alla Borisovna doljna bit' rada ,chto Kristina seichas pod prikritiem svoego muja. Chechenzi daje takogo kak Stalina slomili v svoe vremya. Oni strashnie ludi.
  • Mongolia for Kristina Orbakajte
  • You are a true "rock star"! We love you!
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     Kristina Orbakajte Kristina Orbakajte, photo
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