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( chanteuse)

Photo Gallery BULANOVA Tatiana (13)
Comments for BULANOVA Tatiana
Biography BULANOVA Tatiana
Born March 6, 1969 in g. Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in the family of submariners.
At age 14, began singing and playing guitar.

In 1987 entered the Leningrad State Institute of Culture. N. K. Krupskaya library faculty, three courses from which he graduated in 1989.

In 1989 - 90 studied at the school-studio of the Leningrad Music Hall of. Sun. Meyerhold at the vocal department, where Tatiana did not like to learn, because she wanted to theater department.

. In 1990 she was invited soloist in the group "The Summer Garden", which debuted on April 16 that same year.

. In the same year they released their first album, the singer, 25 carnations.

. In 1991, in "Summer Garden" takes part in the festival "Yalta-91" appears in the television show Ogonyok with the song "What a pity" and won the Grand Prix at the competition "Schlager-91 in St. Petersburg with the song" Do not cry.

. June 15, 1996 got in a car accident, but miraculously survived, and in October the same year was made in Moscow with his first solo concert entitled "My Russian heart."

. Since 1990 came more than 10 albums of the singer, including "Strange Meeting" (1994), "abide in - together with any" (1997), "My Dream" (2000) and others.

. Tatiana Bulanova frequently gives concerts and takes part in television and entertainment competitions
. Among the authors of her songs - poets Arkady Slavorosov, Ilya Reznik, composer Oleg Molchanov, Raimonds Pauls.

Married. Her husband and producer - Nick Tagriny (1961), a former director and member of the "Summer Garden". Son of Alexander (1993).

Official site
  • Official site of T. I. Bulanova. Dossier. Biography. Discography. Photo. Posters. Songs. MPEG-3. Interviews. Articles. Concerts. Fanclubs. Forum. Announcements. Subscribe. Reviews.

Unofficial page Biographies
  • Page T. I. Bulanova on the server "Cyril and Methodius". Biographical articles, photos, discography.

  • Curriculum page on the T. I. Bulanova server "Russian bit". Information and sales of albums and compilations with the singer.

Photos Portfolio Interviews Publications Annotations
  • Abstract musical film with T. I. Bulanova "Old songs about the main-2" on site "Video Guides".

  • Filmography T. I. Bulanova site "Video Guides". Annotations 2 films with the participation of the singer, issued at licensed videotape.
Scandals Miscellaneous
  • "Aguzarova in its repertoire. Note on the tour Jeanne Aguzarova and Tatyana Bulanova in Novosibirsk (the newspaper "Evening Novosibirsk", 21 April 2000).

Photos of BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana
  • BULANOVA Tatiana

Photos of BULANOVA Tatiana

User comments
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  • ahoi for BULANOVA Tatiana
  • ahoi for BULANOVA Tatiana
  • Alexandra for BULANOVA Tatiana
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  • Susan Helms for BULANOVA Tatiana
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    BULANOVA Tatiana, photo, biography BULANOVA Tatiana  chanteuse, photo, biography
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