Born May 26, 1947.
Higher education, trauma surgeon. Doctor of medical sciences, professor.
. He was vice-president of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences.
. He worked as advisor to the vice-president of Russia Alexander Rutskoi.
. From January 1995 - President of Russia Medical Association.
. In December 1995, ran for the State Duma of the third convocation elected from party lists in the association "Power".
. In the elections of 17 December 1995 list does not overcome the 5-percent barrier.
. 19 December 1999 was elected to the State Duma of the third convocation on the party lists of the CPRF.
. In the State Duma in January 2000, registered in the parliamentary faction of the Communist Party.
. On January 26, 2000 - Member of the State Duma Committee for health and sports.
. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the All-Russia Congress of the Pirogov doctors.